Oh Sh*t

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Jesus my head is pounding. Sitting up, squinting I look around the room seeing a naked girl with bleach blonde hair and her face both running down her face and on the pillow.I really shouldn't hang out with Merle and his 'women'

Climbing out of the bed I grab my clothes and quickly put them on. I get tangled in my jeans and I freeze one leg in the air with my jeans half way up my leg however the girl just continues to snore and turns over rubbing her makeup further into the pillow.

I'm by the front door as I put my boots on and run from the house.

I get in my truck and drive to Merle and I's cabin and see that Merle is passed out on the couch with a beer still in hand. I kick his legs and he jumps awake.

"Hey, what's up little brother?" He says smiling and wiping his face

"I'm hungry, let's go hunt" I say grapping my crossbow and after waiting for Merle we finally got on without hunt and forgetting about the previous night.

4 months later

"Pass me the hammer" I say to Merle whist looking at this old looking car "right ere'" Merle says chucking the hammer at me.

I catch the hammer and hammer out a dent in the side of the wheel. I hear the door swing open and then hit the door frame as it shuts indicating that someone has walked in.

"Daryl Dixon?" this girl asks looking around the room. "Yah, who's askin'?" I say cleaning my hands on some old rag.

I look up at the girl who has dark brown hair and minimal makeup on but does have a protruding belly sticking out of her t-shirt.

"You probably don't remember me but we hooked up about 4 months ago" she said looking at me as I continued to clean my hands on the already dirty rag, "and this is yours" she said indicating to her stomach. She looks up at me as she stokes her stomach.

"Ye trying, to tell me that ye' pregnant?" I say still cleaning my hands even though they can't get any cleaner "yes, obviously" she said shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

She picks up her hand and swivels a ring with a massive diamond on it.

"How ye know it's mine?" I say looking at her. "Ye could of slept with tonnes of men how ye know it's mine?" I ask scoffing at the women in front of me.

"You're the only one I've screwed in the past year, so it must be yours" She says continuing to look at her ring.

"It's your choice, I don't want it, I'm getting married to a wonderful man who respects me and love me and this is just getting in the way. I was going to get rid of it but my fiancée Phillip says that the father should know and have an opinion as it is his baby as well" she said looking to her nails.

I laugh "Hold up, your fiancée is called Phillip, how old is he 90" I say catching my breath both from laughing and the shock that I'm going to be a dad.

"No, he's 57 and owns Phil's diners which have over 300 stores in the US and 200 abroad" She says smugly "Ah, you're a gold digger" I say putting the rag that was occupying my right hand into my belt loop and tying it around.

"Do you want the baby or not, are you willing to support me or will I need to go get some misoprostol" She looking up at me and away from the nails.

I raise an eyebrow "What the heck is mestopotol" I say looking at her

"Abortion tablets, Jesus Daryl. Do you want a baby Yes or No"

She looks to me and I look to Merle who is shaking his head

"Ye don't want to be tied down little brother" Merle says cleaning his hand and wiping the sweat from his forehead

"Yes" I say nodding. "Okay then, give me your email and address and I will send you picture of the sonograms and stuff."

I grab a piece of paper and write down all of the information she needs.

"You won't be coming to the hospital appointment as Phil will be doing that but Phil and I want our own children and not one that I got after a mistake."

She said walking away placing the information into her bag as she walks back out of the workshop.

I watch her as she gets in to her Aston martin and drives down the street.

"I'm gonna have a baby" I say smiling as Merle comes over to me and places a hand on my shoulder

"Well done little brother, you've fucked up your life" Merle says walking back to the job at hand which are the cars.

5 months later (9th month of pregnancy)

Merle and I's house was set up ready for the baby to arrive.

Surprisingly Merle cleaned up his act ready for his new Niece well that's what he says, I can smell the alcohol on his breath and sometimes his eyes have that weird crazed look but he's doing better than he was. I found that my baby was a girl and will be arriving soon.

I made a rule that there are to be no drugs around the house and all of Merle's dodgy friends are to stay away once the baby is home.

Any time the phone rings I think it is the call saying that the baby has arrived.

It was 5 in the morning when the call came in.

"Mr Dixon, Chantelle Daverson has delivered the baby and is waiting for you at the hospital" the nurse said on the phone.

I ran around the house grabbing the baby bag and smacking Merle waking him up "dude, babies comin'" I say running out to the car which has the baby seat ready.

"I'll meet ya there" I hear merle mumble. I run towards the car and place the babies stuff in the passenger seat as I pull away towards the hospital. I begin the drive to meet my baby.

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