4 ~ Hatred ~ 4

10 1 11

The rest of the week was some weird form of Hell. Gally had this aggravating way of digging under my skin and tying knots in all my ropes. And he did it so well it made me want to scream in his face.

I did.

Multiple times actually. Once, it happened in front of a teacher, and he shook his head disappointedly, removing one of my stars. Gally removed one of his too.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that he always makes it up. As in, he had the weirdest ways of apologizing. He never said it, but he always did something.

It was annoying, really. I hated him for it. He made me like him. I felt like I had no control over my feelings. He always rocked the boat. One moment I would hate his guts, then next I wanted him to rail me or something. But I never said that out loud.

Thursday's evening came, and I sat awake, journaling, while Gally showered.

April 16, 2023:

Gally has been getting on my nerves recently. I think he's being playful, but sometimes he takes things too far. It makes me hate him. I got one of my stars taken away today for yelling at him: "Shut the fuck up, you asshole!" A teacher was around. I really should've been more careful, but all sense of reason leaves my mind when it comes to Gally. He has this irritating way of making me lose my shit, lose control of myself. But then he makes it up. He took one of his own stars away when I went to the bathroom. I know this because Fry told me. It makes me want to kiss him I think. But everything else makes me want to kick him in the nuts. I'm trying not to think about it, but I had to write it down. I'm having a hard time handling this without telling anyone.

Anyway, I reminded Thomas about his duties tomorrow. He only nodded. I think he knows something's wrong with me right now, but I'm refusing to tell him. I need him and Newt to have a good time this weekend. Even if I'm having a weird crush crisis right now.

I neglected to mention earlier that Gally also brings out traits of me that I didn't even know were there. Not bad ones, like I described before, but ones I literally had no clue of. He made me realize how easily I pick up on body language. Earlier this week, I could tell he wasn't doing well. I still don't know why, but I sort of got him to talk to me about it - without being direct. I've noticed how I'm a lot more fond towards him. I never knew I could stand staring at someone for so long. Never getting "used" to his appearance, and managing to notice new things every time. Like how he doesn't only blush, but his muscles also tense when I call him Gal. It's cute. I should probably stop writing about him, as he's been my subject for everyday this week.

I really should burn this book.


I groaned, stuffing the journal back into its hiding spot, just moments before Gally came back into the room. I developed an internal clock that told me when he would enter again.

He pulled a hoodie over his head, "Hey, Min."

"Hey, Gal," I responded, not knowing if I should smile or hit him. Shit, this was so annoyingly confusing. Instead of doing either, I laid back on my bed and acted cool. "Got anything else to bitch about?" Our argument happened a few hours ago at this point, but I let my annoyance win anyway.

"I can see that you do," he smirked. Well, I didn't see him smirk, but I could hear it.


"Hm." This guy.

I groaned but it sounded almost animal-like, "Ugh, you're such an ass!"

"You mentioned that earlier I think." He laughed. This bitch laughed at me.

The blood in my body got hot with what I assumed was anger, "I hate you." And I meant it. Or, at least, at that moment I thought I did. I sat up and watched as he tensed and looked back at me.

His smirk was still there but it wasn't in his eyes, "Love you too, Babe." My face was still red and I decided it too was because of anger. I chucked my pillow at him, really angry for almost no reason at all, looking back on it.

He liked to play with me I think. He threw it back so much harder than what I did. It, unfortunately, hit the upper half of my head. Which means it hit my hair. My precious hair. I stood up with the pillow, but he was ready with his before I got there. We smacked our pillows against each other in a way that can only be described as ungraceful. His next hit sent me onto his bed, but I dragged him down with me. He rolled over and smacked me again, before pinning me to the bed, giving me flashbacks to the event that happened earlier this week.

My anger ceased sometime during our war. I'm not sure when, but my feelings of wanting to hit him changed to something romantic in the span of a few heartbeats. Not this again.

"Now I feel like you just like pinning me down," I said, deciding the best way to handle this was through flirting.

He grinned, leaning his face down closer to mine. I could feel his hot, minty breath against my face as he whispered, "Yeah, you look pretty like this." Shit. I swear my heart stopped beating entirely when he said that.

I could only stare back at him, whatever words tried to form got stuck somewhere in my throat. My mouth was slightly open, quick breaths heaving in and out. Was he going to say something like that on Monday? For one of the first times I really noticed his eyes. His were so different from mine; so blue. They flitted down to my lips, causing mine to do the same to his. They looked so soft, and I remembered the kiss we shared last Saturday. That had been really attractive and I think I've been internally longing for another since then.

When I looked back up, he was staring at my eyes again, and I felt embarrassment wash over me. My eyelids were half closed already, mouth still open with my tired breaths. He moved one of his hands up to my cheek. It was warm and I leaned into it, involuntarily. I placed my hand on top of his. I think it was that action that caused him to close the distance, but that didn't really matter. What mattered was how amazing it felt. The first time we barely knew each other, but now was different. Though, deep down, I knew we wouldn't address it for a while. We would go on and pretend like nothing happened, continuing to flirt with and annoy each other. I was pretty sure kissing - not like this if any - was something two would do during the talking stage. If the talking stage was what you could call whatever the fuck this was.

It lasted for a while and I felt suddenly cold when his presence finally left mine. I blinked after we sat up, didn't say anything, and went back to my bed.

"I hate you," I repeated, not as sure as before.
Weeeeeee!! Another down. How are you guys liking a faster pace? I'm trying to stick with my title here, but I'm pulling all this content outta my ass. Anyway - WE HAVE A REFERENCE TO THE TITLEEEEEEE

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