Chapter Six

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"So this is where you'll be working most of the time! Welcome to...the Lab!"

Tony said this all very dramatically while confetti exploded from hidden machines in the walls. Seriously? I laughed and applauded. Tony took a bow while Bruce brushed some colorful paper off my arm. A blush rose to my face but I swallowed it down. No distractions on your first day! The two scientists led me to the back table where there was an assortment of chemicals that ranged colors from ink black to crimson red. Some I could identify on the spot and some I thought were stuff of legend. For me, it was basically science need heaven.

But for the first time in my short, young life, I wasn't getting chills because I was working for probably the genius of the world (aka my dream).'s was because of this scientist named Bruce Banner staring at me. I remember when I was younger and swore off love. If the version of me saw me now, she'd probably punch me in the face. I tried to ignore the stares since this was probably the most important moment of my life and breathed deep before saying, " what's this test I have to pass?"

Tony played with a little test tube filled with blueberry jam and said, "Uhm...test? Were we...was I...?" He looked genuinely confused which worried me. He wasn't joking at all. I gripped the counter, the stress of a Pots daughter taking over. Before I could open my mouth to say something that would probably get my memory wiped and shipped back to California, Bruce stepped in and said as if trying to reassure me, "What Tony is trying to say is that we just want to see what you can do with a few equations and some chemicals. We like to see the creative side of you since we have to invent things all the time. Can you do that"

I looked up at him with transfixed eyes and an unsteady beating heart. What was life? What was air? What's my name? It was all lost as he said those words that calmed me down instantly. How did he always know how to say the right things? Why was I always a puddle in front of him? It was mortifying but the last boyfriend I had was junior year and we barely held hands. I don't count the actual last boyfriend I had since I try to forget him as much as possible. It's been a while since I've opened up but was worth it.

The brief silence lasted for only a moment before I smiled at him and said, "Watch and learn." Tony just gave a chuckle as Bruce's amusement looked peaked and he gave a little laugh. It was a delicious sound that needed to be made more often. Both boys sat in the back, holding clip boards. I asked if they were going to add up some score and Tony replied, "We just want to look professional!" I rolled my eyes and slipped on the white lab coat. Boys.

I looked back one more time and saw Bruce give me a little nod. That was all I needed. My work began a bit slow, thinking about what I could create that would blow them away. How in the world do you blow away super heroes though? It has to be simple, I thought, so mind blowingly simple that they'll want to smack themselves in the face for not thinking about it. I looked over at all the chemicals, trying to summon something within me, to tap into that creative source. I didn't have super powers, I didn't have special abilities, heck I'm too lazy to reach the remote on the coffee table. But there would always be one thing that I could rely on and that's my never ending flow of ideas. So get to it, Pots.

After taking a deep breath I started my work, buzzing around the lab as if I owned the place. It took me a bit to find the materials I needed but once I got my bearings, there was no stopping me. First I had create the holder for my prototype, choosing a small vial which I wrapped some thin rope around. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tony wrote something down but later found out it was just doodles of himself. Once I got the holder out of the way I could finally begin the real fun. Creating a new type of chemical can only be done if you are born with the instinct and drive. You have to understand that there are risks and not to be afraid to mess up. The guys sitting only a couple feet away understood what I meant. It wasn't difficult stirring and heating and mixing and cooling. Writing all my notes down and some on a chalkboard when I needed to see exactly what I needed to do.

By the time I was finished, my hair was back in a messy curly ponytail, there were goggles a bit foggy from my sweat on my eyes and my lab coat was completely covered in various colorful liquids. I was pretty sure one of those liquids was acid but I ignored it and brought the vial of clear chemical to my judges. Tony looked at a little skeptically while Bruce had a honest curious sense to him. I was glad to know that at least someone didn't judge.

Tony sat back in his swiveling chair and said, " made hand sanitizer? How is this revolutionary?" Bruce elbowed him in the ribs and muttered to shut up so I could explain. I nodded a thanks towards him and said in my most professional voice, "This my the future of a perfect interrogation. When you get those people who just won't talk or can't shut up about anything, this is the answer. I would like to do a demonstration...on one of you." I was going to pick Tony and exact revenge but before I could say anything Stark said, "He wants to volunteer!"

I looked over at Bruce who had an equally stunned look on his face before I smiled sheepishly and he smiled back kindly. "Sure...why not? It's not like I haven't been a test subject before..." He said dryly. I had the man stand next to me as a gently slipped the necklace around his head to rest at his neck. I cleared my throat before saying, "Dr. Banner...please tell me something honest about yourself." There was a pause.

"I an Bruce Banner."

The vial gave no reaction which caused me to give a relieved sigh. So far do good. I stood with a confident stance and commanded, " say a lie." Another pause.

"I went to school to get my 'Dr.' title."

The vial turned a blood red.

I gave a happy little laugh and exclaimed, "It worked!" My inventions always excited me. The two looked mildly impressed and Tony asked, "A mood necklace that tells if you're lying? Not that creative but-"

"Wait no I wasn't finished!" I cut him off. Yes, I just cut off Tony Stark. He sat quietly back in his seat, raising an eyebrow and waiting for more. I cleared my throat before saying, "Bruce...what's your mother like?"

"She's dead." He said bluntly. The vial turned a deep blue. Even though I felt bad I couldn't help but crack a little smile and say, "Since I evoked some unhappy memories using a person, the vial will reflect. Dark blue is deep sadness, one step above black..." I didn't want to say that it meant depression. I knew it wasn't my place but perhaps one day they would reach an understanding of each other and became comfortable. But those was about getting a job and I had to act that way. I turned to Tony and concluded, "You see? Not only is it a lie detector but now we can also detect emotions as well without having to be trained. Regular agents can tell who the person in question can be weak to and whether they know them. It's useful because...well we can't all be like Black Widow right?" Bruce gave a little laugh, agreeing with me. I had never felt so wonderful in my life.

Tony grinned and said, "Very impressive...welcome to the team Tessa Pots." I could've screamed for joy if it wasn't out of surprise when the confetti canons went off again. I jumped into Bruce's chest before he instinctively held me in his arms and gave me a horrible blush. I did manage to catch the glimpse of what Bruce was feeling at the moment and found a soft glowing sunset orange tinted with pink, probably the most beautiful color I had ever seen. Tony raised his hand like a child and said, "My turn! Burce what do you feel lie around Tessa?" The color turn almost a dark pink, but his face tried to show nothing. But my invention ever lied and provoked your deepest and darkest wants and desires. I smiled wide and said, "Oh thank you for giving me this opportunity guys! You won't regret it!"

Bruce took off the necklace and handed over to Stark murmuring, "I sure we won't." He flashed me a warm look before taking off my lab coat carefully and supposing it. There was a little pause as Tong left them to go order his robots to clean before Bruce turned to me and asked. "Would some lunch with me?"

Could this day get any better?

Alright guys so how was that after not updating for a while?! Comment and review, I'm probably gonna update again soon since I fell in love with Tessa and Bruce all over again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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