Chapter 94 ( Kendall) Explaining

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I am right where I need to be right where I belong . I can't believe that Shane somehow figured it out and like everything else he took care of it .

I pull back from Shane, s remarkable lips .

I let out a breathe and him too .

             " How did you know " I ask

       " I over heard you and your brother talking " he answers

        "Oh  " is all I can say

     This means he heard everything including that I love him .

I know he already knows but for some. Reason it makes me embarrassed.

            " I love you Kendall " he says
Like he was reading my mind .

       And I know he does and. I love him so I say

                " I love you too Shane "

        " I am so glad everything is ok and that y'all is back together " Jessica says and hugs us then Gunner joins in
I look at Toby and he hugs us too .

               " Derek left I had no ideal he was like that " Jessica tells  us

           " I want to tell everyone exactly what happen . "
Shane tells us

He walks up a bit almost like he is upset .

          " Me and Gunner was just trying to have a good time it was way before me and you sweetheart " he says
I feel my heart flutter when he calls me sweetheart.

        " We knew this girl Olivia from school she had started earlier that year she told us she had some cousins there was 2 of them and they wanted to party so we went to her house the girl who" he says then
Tears fall

I rush to him and hold his hand.

He gives me a small smile .

             " Her name was Vame " he says

And cry's a little more .

"She started going crazy and she had gun after I talked her out of it . "
He tells us

Then Gunner chimes in

                 " I took her gun and Shane was calming her
And then she picked up a lamp she was going to hit him over the head without thinking I just I shot her " Gunner says and cry's

         " We called my dad and he called the law and told the whole story and law told him that this was part of the mafia which made me think it would be wroster except I knew where olivia and the other girl went so my father striked up a deal ." Shane tells us

        " Is that why you was so worried about Arron " I ask him

           " Yea I just  think the mafia might try to retaliate but as far as I know they don't know who I am " he answers

          " Arron " Toby speaks up
I look at my half brother who seems nervous
But I guess it is a lot of information.

     " Arron checked out he is nothing to do with the mafia " Gunner reassures my half brother

     " I look into her she had mental problems and had been in and out of mental homes ." Shane says

He breathes out .
I can tell this is too much .

                 " Maybe we should all get some rest " I suggest

We all go our own way .
Me and Shane make it to the top of the stairs and I say to him

            " Shane I knew you didn't do anything wrong on that situation and. I am so sorry I should have just come to you with it . We could had avoided a lot of pain " I say

         " No you made sure I didn't go to jail no one ever done so much for me ." He tells me and pulls me into a hug .

I love this man ." I breathe him in a smell I have grown to love so much it is his very own sent .

      " Do you really want to rest " he asks me

      " Um you know on woman's thing "  I stutter

          " oh but we can still just hold each other right " he says

         " yea " I answer.

I love how he just wants to be around me .

                     " You do  know now I will never let you go again " he tells me as he holds his bedroom door open for me .

       " Fine by me" I say and giggle

He close the door .

           " I missed that little laugh so much " he tells me
I just smile at him

              He just stands there and looks at me . He runs his hand over his hair he looks so handsome I want to scream .

He lets out a deep breath .

He seems uneasy I understand it been a very long night .

                 " Wow I am so nervous " he tells me

         " Even after all this time after every thing  that happened " he adds

            " What do you mean "I ask

He walks over to me and takes my hand .

                    " I thought you was scared but I am but I will not run away because I want you more , but since we made threw all the nonsense we just made it from I know how much you love me and I can also see how much I love you " he tells me

I kiss his cheek and hug him ,

                "I do love  you so much" I tell him

       " I love you more that's I could even. Imagine and I was so sad when we was not together that was just so bad , I know now love is real but maybe it does make you weak but it is also very beautiful and I love you my beautiful Kendall." He tells me

Hearing this from him feel amazing . And I know every  word is the truth .
He smiles that breath taking smile .

I feel like now we can make it . We already made threw so much . His fake pergancy  my relationship with Derek , my fake relationship with Derek.
All of our fears all of our doubts . Him not believing in love . All of Shane's schemes . We are going to make it and I Thank God .

We hug each other for a few minutes then . I asks if can get in bed .

And we get in bed with are clothes on .

He pulls me close to him and I lay my head on his chest . There is a peaceful feeling and I am so glad to be where I am
I feel myself drift off .

I am right where I need to be .
I am right where I belong .

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