Chapter 27

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I sat in my dress with one hour before we had to leave for the Report. I was so anxious, especially since they were going to ask me questions about my family and the kidnapping. I straightened the hem of my dress and ventured the hallways.

I came across a familiar setting, and I smiled to myself. I took a seat at the grand piano and blew off the dust gathered on the key cover. I played a warm up to calm my nerves, and I could feel my anxiety settling.

I played a song similar to what I was feeling. I loved the soundtrack it came from, and especially the movie it was with. Illèa tried to preserve the greatest movies made before World War Three, but they only managed to save a mere few hundred. A few princess and fantasy movies were some of them.

I kept playing the music until I felt it was time to go to the Report. I sighed to myself and closed the piano, trudging out to the hallways. My heels clicked against the marble, and I straightened my bracelets on my wrist.

I felt my skirts lift as I was shoved into a nearby closet. I felt a need to scream, but a hand covered my mouth. In the dim darkness of the closet I would see a glimmer of gold.

"What the hell Nathan?" I whispered, careful not to reveal my location to the staff members in the hallway.

"I wanted to see you," he shrugged.

"Well, I'm busy at the moment," I retorted and reached for the door handle. Nathan grabbed my wrist and pun me around, so I was facing him while he locked my arms behind my back.

He kissed me fiercely before I had time to react. I pushed my lips to his and let out s deep sigh. I pulled back, and he let go of my arms. "I love you," he smirked.

"Is now really the time to joke about this?" I huffed. He pecked my lips again and pulled me back to him.

"I'm not joking," he said seriously. He looked me straight in my eyes. "I'm not going to stop loving you anytime soon. Aidan can get over it, because nothing is going to change that."

"His name is Aaron, and you should now that since he's your cousin," I grinned slyly.

"Cousin or not, if I see him with his hands on you again Marlee is going to have to take over the Illèan throne," he said in all seriousness. Suddenly, he grinned, flashing his perfect rows of white teeth. "Good luck on the show tonight."

He pecked my cheek before spinning me around and out of the closet. I shook my head and composed myself, then made my way to the foyer where the other Elite were waiting.

I couldn't acknowledge what just happened, nor was I going to deny my emotions. It's either this, or he rips out Aaron's throat. I have to find a way to fix this, but not right now.

We all filed into the same car, me next to Marlee. She told me what to expect in questions tonight, and I braced myself. Aaron offered me a smile, which I graciously returned. Everything on set was placed perfectly; not a hair out of place.

The Elite took their seats while the theme music for the Report trumpeted loudly through the air. Maxon and America delivered the weekly news, and a lot happened this week. The Confederation Patriots surrendered, I was rescued, and the Elite were chosen.

The manager motioned for me to come to the side of the stage, and I diligently stood where he directed me to. He spoke into his earpiece, and gave me a gentle shove. I picked up my grey skirts and walked to the center of the stage, smiling at the camera.

I took a seat in front of Gavril, but nobody joined me today. I was alone. I crossed my legs modestly and adjusted my skirts, and then lifted my gaze back to Gavril, who was sitting perfectly straight in his chair.

"Lady Elisa, last time we saw you was four months ago," Gavril said slowly, recapping the events for the audience.

"Yes it was, Gavril. Always with the formalities; call me Elisa, please," I said in an attempt to charm Illèa.

"Where did you go all that time?"

"Well, I was held captive for a long period of time. I found out that my brother, Harrison, is still alive. He's living at the palace currently in the infirmary. The Royals in the palace have been very generous and understanding of the situation."

"Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but you were set to marry the Rebel leader's son?" Gavril asked.

My breathing hitched and my muscles tensed. I looked frantically for Aaron, but he looked as alarmed as I did. America looked around for help, but I didn't know what to do. I was panicking.

"Lady Elisa?" Gavril asked, trying to get my attention.

"Yes, it's true," I confessed. "They rescued me on my wedding day."

The crowd gasped, and even the Elite looked alarmed. Maxon came on set and started rampaging. "Cut of the cameras, now!" He boomed.

The lights went off, dimming the studio. I put my head in my hands and released a shaky breath. I'll admit, I panicked. I didn't know what to do. Maxon came over to me and told everyone to send the Elite home. I was ushered out the door while they attempted to finish the broadcast.

"Be sure to pick up a copy of Illèa Weekly, featuring the Elite!" Gavril said cheerfully before it ended.

All of the Elite girls were sent to their rooms directly after we got back. I avoided all eye contact as I rushed to my room and closed the door behind me. I sunk down to the floor with my head in my hands sobbing uncontrollably. I couldn't believe what I had just confessed to.

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