Act 5 Chapter 2:both worlds

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*at Dino Continent*

Few peoples:*discussed about animals disappearance*

Prince Jazer:what's matter?

Yuzuriha:there's is no trace of any animals or dinosaurs

Prince Jazer:its unusual

*at watermill*

Deinosuchus:*fall asleep*

Katsura:*as shunosaurus*why there so many unregistered creatures?

Tagiru:*removing it*I've don't know but...I've see it from before

Nigel Marven:we will put it at large lake enclosure for temporary to learn its origin

Otoya:thanks Mr Nigel Marven

*at Akamatsu lab*

Tagiru:we might find clue by ask Vaydo


Akane:yeah...he is one taught Tagiru about Dino Continent

Boostia:Dino Continent?

*so they went to the Vaydo home village but*

Tagiru:what is going on here?!

Ryubi:this place is destroyed

Gabooga:look who me and Aoki found!

Raona:*fall unconscious*


Tagiru:*use Kaselet to become a triceratops*..stand back...*removing rubbles*there

Akane:she is breathing

Squeaky:*appear from pile of rubble and started to make a noise*


Tagiru:Squeaky!..*take it out from rubble*

*at medical tent*

Raona:*awake*ugh?..*look at them*Tagiru...Akane and Ryubi too..*notice Katsura*who is he?

Katsura:I've Katsura and this is Boostia


Akane:tell us what happens?

Raona:there is group of Dino Barbarian attack us..and they also took all of dinosaurs that was medium and large

Katsura:Dino Barbarian?..aren't they kinda like normal Barbarian from mythology?

Kaselet:Dino Barbarian is dangerous enemy that Gaia Kingdom encountered

Aoki:Gaia Kingdom?...that's make this strange?

Akane:but what about if these dinosaurs will appear

Tagiru:well..I've ask her to take our place when we here


*at Tagiru home world*

Roger:*do rodeo ride on iguanodon*yeehaw!!

Ryuko:*Shape-shifting as elephant while attack deinonychus that was controlled*

*with them*

Tagiru:we should start with-

Katsura:watch out!..*become an ankylosaurus and slam flinging log*

Tagiru:where it came from?!

Raona:*saw it*there!

Woolly mammoth:*toss log with its trunk*

Raona:it were used to live in Northern Tundra..just what happened-

Woolly mammoth:*attack Katsura by grabbing his tail*

Katsura:let me go!

Tagiru:let me help!..*select but not know*which opponents for the mammoth

Kaselet:use the one you didn't use

Tagiru:like what?

*at fight*

Katsura:*resist woolly mammoth stomp with few tons pressure*how long this will hold it

"Pick someone your own size"

Woolly mammoth:*turn around and slammed by Tagiru*

Tagiru:*as brachiosaurus*..need helping hand or helping tail

Katsura:..sure is

Woolly mammoth:*try to attack*

Tagiru:*hold it* Gabooga!

Gabooga:*hacking mind control device causing it to destroyed*

Woolly mammoth:*back to normal*?


Raona:*calming woolly mammoth down*its were fine

* Zorok lair*

Zorok:how pathetic...I've should find a way to make them stop ruining my plan..Croog

Croog:*arrive*what's matter lord Zorok?

Zorok:I've know how to deal with them

*at captive area*

Vaydo:*kick the wall*let me out!..*panting*

Croog:oh well...I've know who will

Vaydo:what do you talking about?

Croog:*show same device*this make you be useful to us

Vaydo:what are you doing..stay away!..please!!....


Prehistoric life encyclopedia

Raona:Brachiosaurus (/ˌbrækiəˈsɔːrəs/) is a genus of sauropod dinosaur that lived in North America during the Late Jurassic, about 154 to 150 million years ago. It was first described by American paleontologist Elmer S. Riggs in 1903 from fossils found in the Colorado River valley in western Colorado, United States..around 82 feet long and could raise themselves to about 12 or 13 meters high. They weighed around 56 metric tons...they were so big and massive

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