Leon Notices

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Heading down the hall Jason followed behind Samuel to class, the place still was huge- it was a army base so it should've been expected but for them to wanna make a school this huge is unexpected and after heading through a set of double doors they appeared on a hall that felt slightly empty with barely any people on it as they stopped on the first door on the right as Jason went inside to see a fighting space- it wasn't as huge as Sir Siegfried's since it was underground but still nice overall.

Weapons littered the wall, swords, lances, armor pieces- you name it, it was almost as if this was a blacksmith's work viewing "I see you brought someone new with you Samuel." A voice said as it caught Jason off-guard 'Why didn't I sense him standing next to me?' Jason said to himself inwardly as he was staring at the man that apparently had to had been the teacher 'Wait a minute,' Jason thought inwardly while staring at his eyes 'Is this man...BLIND?' Jason shouted to himself as he sighed.

'How the hell is a blind man gonna teach a combat class?' Jason thought while shaking his head slowly 'This place is cruel for putting someone like that in here.' He finished thinking while reaching his hand out "My name's Jason, I'm a new recruit here and just got here and had also moved into Samuel's room." Jason said while shaking his hand "I am the teacher for this class, my name is Leon." He said while shaking Jason's hand as he took in his outfit.

A white robe that also held leather wrapping on the forearms including the shins while his gray hair was pulled into a ponytail "Today I explain something that hasn't became civilian public knowledge so please stand somewhere where you can hear me." He said as Jason became interested at the knowledge that was just told to him 'If it's any good...I could report this to madam Kyla.' Jason thought as he watched the man clear his throat.

"Everyone listen up! A few hours ago the army just bought a few devices from a scientist, these devices are gonna help the military expand it's power but with these new devices came a threat to us from the Impure." Leon said as men appeared by the front door in uniform and put down a metal circular object beside Leon on the floor "This is a teleporter made by the scientist I just told you about, after these was made the military and as I far as I know the other kingdoms that remain now have these portals." He said while gesturing for them to cut it on as they all seen a blue light at the center of it.

"These new devices can take you to different planets, the military already has been conducting a search on these new planets to see what it's like to be there and how dangerous their wildlife is like and from the reports that has been discussed by the generals we may also end up living there and turn that environment into something like our own if not better." Leon said as everyone began whispering amongst themselves.

"What about the Impure!" Someone shouted out as everyone turned their focus back to Leon "What I have from them is a transmission that was sent to our higher ups that I will now play for you all now." Leon said while gesturing to the men as the lights where cut off while one of them put what looked like a small box on the floor as light shot from it as there was people in hoods sitting at a table with numbers in front of them floating in a lightning blue orb.

"Hello humans, I am pretty sure you are wondering who we are or why you are receiving this message." The hooded one said behind the orb number five "You think you are better and above everyone around you, you start pointless wars and destroy your own planet." The hooded one said behind the orb number four "We have decided, since you thought you are so much better than us we have decided to take your planet and add it to our solar system as another prize." The hooded one behind orb number nine said as everyone started to talk amongst themselves.

"If you do not understand what this means we will spell it out for you." The hooded one behind the orb number seven said as everyone stopped any small talk they just had "We are the Council of the Impure and we plan to claim your planet as our own and we will enslave your people the way you enslaved ours and if you think you can take these new planets prepare yourselves to fight for them." She finished saying as the transmission ended.

"Since this message has been release people have been going around killing Demi-Humans and Impure alike which also means any of the Demi-Humans and Impure that was in any guilds or apart of anything that helped society get further today had been removed effective immediately and as you all know there aren't any impure or Demi-humans in the military or political positions so no one has anything to worry about." Leon said as the men left after turning the portal off.

"So now you know what's going on I will now tell you that all Instructors will be taking their group of students through these telporters, if you haven't noticed I am not the only combat instructor here so you will see other students besides yourself if the chance ever arises." Leon said while walking over to the door "Class is now over, you can continue to train at the other facilities we have here until you are all notified otherwise." Leon said while leaving as everyone began to leave as well.

"Alright so where to next?" Jason said as he looked up and saw that Samuel was gone and once he stepped out into the hall he wasn't in the crowd of students either 'He left me?' Jason thought to himself as he began following the crowd back into the main school as he didn't know what to do. 

'I guess I'll give myself a tour.' Jason said as he began walking around following the crowd unbeknownst to him from a distance Leon stared at Jason as he walked up the hallway as he saw everyone else's aura and his, while everyone around him had a white aura his was red just like Samuel's 'They're multiplying.' Leon thought inwardly while holding the files to both Samuel and Jason.

Opening up the first one Leon had his watch scan the words and play the audio, Samuel was a orphaned military brat, with no rich or royal family backing from what he heard from out Samuel's file while Jason on the other hand had the backing of a family who's name was redacted and the weirdest part of all was that they both shared a room together 'What the hell is going on around here?' Leon thought inwardly while heading to meet with the other sergeants.

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