Chapter Sixteen - Zella

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 Zella woke up to a sound that she'd never heard before. It sounded a little like whistling, a little like whining, almost like the pained sounds Neo had made when he needed help, but not quite as drastic. It sounded more... impatient.

Zella pondered what the sound could be for so long that she didn't realize it was Ruffrunner making it until she felt his cold nose nudge her. She opened her eyes to see his huge face looming over her. She jumped and he gave a startled wuff, surprised to see her wake up so quickly.

"Oh, hi," she said. "It's only you. Sorry about that. Your facial wound is looking better!" And indeed it was— the blood was gone, replaced with a sort of scab. Dragons heal quickly, she thought, marveling once again at her companion.

"Are you hungry?" Zella asked. She scooched out of the overhang and blinked at the bright sun. "Wow, I slept in. You must be starving. Come on, let's go."

Getting Ruffrunner's tail to the hackberry tree was the hardest part of the whole excursion. Since it was set ramrod straight in the splint, Zella had to lift it up over logs and around bushes.

The snow had melted away enough that there wasn't frost on the berries anymore. Zella got some for herself and Ruffrunner, then led the way to the spring.

While Ruffrunner thirstily lapped up the cold, fresh water, Zella checked to see if her cup/bowl-type container was hardened. It was still a little squishy, so she decided to leave it for another day.

Wait... another day? Zella, what are you doing?

Zella did a double take. I can't stay here for another day. I have to go to the village. I can get work, help, supplies, real food... and see if anyone there knows Ruffrunner. I shouldn't keep him.

Zella looked at the beautiful white-patterned dragon. But I want to... But he isn't mine... She groaned inwardly. It's the right thing to do to return him.

But then they'd probably take him away. Can't I just have him for one more day?

She'd only known the dragon for a short while, but already she felt a bond with him. She had rescued him, brought him food, helped him to camp, slept beside him... I don't want to give that up.

Zella was at war with herself. The good and honesty in her finally decided to go to the village. So, after they were finished drinking, Zella set off to find the village.

It took quite a lot of hiking and backtracking, and Zella was thoroughly lost (and feeling guilty for bringing Ruffrunner with her) when she finally reached the edge of the forest. Houses sprung up out of nowhere, and distant voices could be heard.

"You stay here," Zella instructed Ruffrunner. "I'll find someone who knows you and bring them back here, all right?" Ruffrunner wuffed agreeably and sat down. Zella had spoken aloud of her plans to return him, and his expression had been hard to read. Well, maybe she just wasn't that fluent in dragon body language yet.

Zella set off into the village. She passed houses, shops, walking curiously down alleys and sightseeing. She climbed staircases and crested hills, getting higher and higher until—

Zella rounded a corner and found herself on a sort of balcony overlooking most of the village. People were milling around like ants on an anthill.

Her gaze was drawn to one man in particular, who was walking with purpose away from her, maybe thirty feet away. He had brownish hair in many shaggy layers, but it wasn't long and unruly like so many other New-Berkians' hair she'd seen. This man had a furred cape that swished behind him in the slight wind. Must be the chief, Zella thought. Only chiefs have capes like that. She thought she recognized him, but decided against it. I've never seen anyone besides Katrina in my life. Still, something about him seemed familiar...

The Third Child (HTTYD 4; A HTTYD Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang