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Woo update quicker than you thought ha! Anyway enjoy the chapter! Thanks for all the votes and comments :3

Jack's P.O.V

What! Pitch took Anna's soul!? How is this possible!?

"This is such a nightmare!" I yell

"Pitch wants you dead" Bunny states "and at the moment he knows you'll do anything for Anna, even if it means giving your life up to get her's back"

"At the moment he's right." I say

For now, Bunny decided it'd be best if we his in his tunnels. The soldiers wouldn't be able to get us and no one would know where we were. Earlier, I lied Anna down, making sure she was comfortable. Even if she doesn't have her soul, it doesn't mean she can't be comfy.

"I'll get your soul back, Anna." I mumble "no matter what it costs me"

Come on Jack, wake up

"Who said that!" I yell

"Who said what?" Bunny asks, looking at mein confusion

"I heard a voice...."

It's not real, you dunce

He can't hear you

"There are voices in my head, Bunny" I tell him "one sounds like you!"

"Now that is ridiculous." Bunny scoffs "I'm right here, not in your head"

"I know" I mutter "but they sound so real, like... They're calling for me"

"I'm going to look for some food, stay here and for the love of the moon, Don't go looking for trouble" Bunny stands (or at least crouches) and goes hopping through the tunnels, he may not be able to get put but he can certainly travel Arendelle


Bunny's been gone longer than he should be. Maybe just looking out of the tunnel isn't a bad idea.

I open a small hole above my head and silently jump out, I look back down to make sure Anna's okay before looking around.

I soon make eye contact with two dark figures, their yellow eyes glowing in the darkness

"Oh no" I breathed

Now I understand why Bunny wanted me to stay down in the tunnels. Looks like I'll be facing off against Dark Anna... And a Dark version of myself

Short chapter, I know... The next one will be short too but hopefully the one after that should be longer. This story might be over soon D: bit don't worry. I will carry on with my big four story (I have a sequel planned for that) and I'll also take suggestions on what to write next :3


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