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(over text)

Boy: K.

Girl: One letter? 1 freaking letter. Are you kidding me. I typed a freaking paragraph. And you reply with one letter.

Boy: Sorry, babe! :/ I'll try to reply better next time(: I love you so much! You're the best!

Girl: K.

Boy: -_-

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wow, I made this book with only a few chapters last night around 9 p.m. and already 50 views. It's not a lot, but it was overnight. If you guys have any sarcastic comebacks (they don't have to be sarcastic) or one-liners, tell me. I'll use it and dedicate the chapter to you. Thanks!

Sarcasm or Nah? (Funny Comebacks and Insults)Where stories live. Discover now