#113 Kiss You

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Zayn: "Let's do something tonight," Zayn told you, after realizing that it had been over two weeks since you'd gone out together or done anything fun at all. He was so busy recording a new album, and it took up so much of his time, that you rarely even saw him. The few days he did have off, he was always so tired, he'd sleep those days away. Finally though, he'd gotten a two day break, and after resting one day, he was ready to do something with you on the 2nd. "Sure!" You smiled wide, so excited to finally get out and do something with Zayn again, "What do you want to do?" " You pick. I just wanna take you anywhere that you like." Your smile grew a little more, and you thought of a few places, "I'll decide on something before tonight."

Harry: Going with Harry to the mall on your birthday was the best gift you could have possibly gotten. It was the type of shopping trip that most people dream to go on. "You can get anything that you want," he explained to you, as you stepped into your favorite store, "I just want you to shop and not worrying about what you're spending. Go crazy." "No way," you shook you head, before looking around at the large clothing store, wishing you could, "I'll spend $100, and that's it." Harry knew you'd say that, and just laughed, "Whatever [Y/N], I'm serious though, you can get whatever you want. Today is your day, and I really want you to buy as much as you can find." It was sweet, but you did not want him to spend too much on you, even if he was offering. "Well... Maybe $200, but that's it."

Liam: Falling in love for the very first time was a feeling you never wanted to forget. The butterflies that filled your stomach, every time that Liam would walk into a room, were the most amazing feelings you'd ever felt. You'd only been dating Liam for a short time though, and you had never had these feelings before, so you did not know if they were real or not. "Sometimes I want to just go for it completely, and make this official, but we still barely know each other," you timidly told Liam, so scared he'd think you wanted to rush things. Though you were dating, nothing was official yet, you were still just seeing what you had. You'd only been on one date, but something was telling you that this was it, and you didn't want to wait any longer. "If you don't want to take it slow, I don't mind," Liam told you, actually relived you'd just confessed what you did, "I have really strong feelings for you [Y/N], and I'd love for you to be my girlfriend."

Niall: Niall could see that you were not confident in the beautiful outfit you were wearing to meet his friends for the very first time. He saw you glancing down nervously, and adjusting everything about your outfit more than once. You may not have liked it, even if you did when you picked it out; he thought you looked amazing though. "I just wanna show you off to all of my friends," he told you, while pulling you into his arms, "You look so good [Y/N]." You smiled nervously, "You think that, but what if they hate me? I'm so nervous, and my outfit is the only thing I can control. I want it to be perfect. I want to look nice." Niall tried to understand what you were worried about, but he really didn't, "Don't worry, I promise they'll like you. And if they don't, they're just crazy." You sighed, "I hope so." Niall quickly kissed you, "Trust me, your name will be drooling down their chins after they meet you, and realize how perfect you are."

Louis: We are just friends. That was something you had told all your other friends over and over again about you and Louis. Despite you saying that everyone was convinced it was more. They all knew you were both into each other, but they didn't know neither of you ever acted on it. It was just one of those things, where you were both so scared to ruin what you already had by dating. Even if every time you touched him, you'd get this kind of rush going through you, you did not want to mess things up. That was finally going to change though, when Louis showed up at your house, ready to to admit his feelings. He could only hope you'd be ready to do the same. "Just let me kiss you." Hearing those words from Louis, you felt no need to say a thing in reply. You heart was beating so quickly, and all you could do was lean over and connect your lips with his.

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