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The next morning Yuta found himself sitting up on the sofa with a satisfying yawn escaping his lips

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The next morning Yuta found himself sitting up on the sofa with a satisfying yawn escaping his lips. Noises from the kitchen made him lazily turn towards it to see Jihwa walking around with a piece of bread in her mouth. Her hair was in a mess and Yuta subconsciously smiled at her.

Yuta: What are you doing?

The girl turned with a jerk, probably surprised to see him awake.

Jihwa: Oh um... just making breakfast for us. Though its not much really. But i have class in sometime so...

Yuta: Right.

He stood up and stretched a bit. 

Yuta: You could have woken me up.

Jihwa: You looked peaceful, sleeping.

The male blinked a bit, processing what she said.

Yuta: Sleep?

Jihwa: Um... yeah?

Yuta: I slept... 

Jihwa just stood there staring at him in confusion.

Yuta: I SLEPT!

He threw his hands in the air. He did feel so refreshed. It was as if he forgot the drowsy morning after a comfortable sleep. 


Jihwa: I... 

She watched how he smiled wide and cheered in his own happy space. The sight brought a smile to her face, since she never really saw the teacher behaving this way before.

A knock on the door caught her attention. But since Yuta was busy still celebrating over sleeping, for some reason, Jihwa decided to attend to the visitor.

It turned out to be Doyoung.

Doyoung: Jihwa... 

He breathed out in relief. 

Doyoung: How are you? Did you get sleep? Did Yuta bother you-

Yuta: YES!

The two faced the inside where they could see an excited Yuta.

Doyoung: What's up with him? You courted him or something?

Jihwa: What? No!

The elder male walked in, heading to the Japanese, who saw Doyoung and only smiled wider. Yuta held Doyoung's shoulders shaking him a bit.

Doyoung: Woah... did you have too much coffee?

Yuta: Doyoung i slept! Without a single hinderance! For six whole hours!

Doyoung: Wow... how about you go take a shower? I mean... you do have to teach in an hour.

Yuta: Right, right... i should.

He turned, gave Jihwa one more smile and went to his room. Doyoung only sighed and turned to the girl with a small smile.

Doyoung: Well-

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