Care My A$$

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Hawks POV:

"Care about her my a$$, you broke her heart, you hurt her. She wouldn't be cutt¡ng if you didn't hurt her, she wouldn't be cutt¡ng if she never fell in love with you, she wouldn't be cutt¡ng if you never became 'FRIENDS', IF SHE NEVER MET YOU!! YOU hurt MY sister, YOU HURT MY BEST FRIEND, MY ONLY FAMILY, MY HERO, MY IDOL, EVERONES HERO, MY EVERYTHING. WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO HER. WHAT IF- YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HER, SHE HAS ALREADY be-been through so-so much. Be-because of y-you!" I felt tears rolling down my face. I looked up to see her crying as well. "I-I know. I hate myself, I suffer everyday knowing that I hurt her, I am an a$$-hole I know, but I do care, I-I do love her. I wanted to marry her!" She looked at me wide eyed. "W-What?!" She looked at me confused. "Then w-why did you break-break up with her?!" I froze. "What? She broke up with ME." I swollowed hard. "Because you made her suffer, she was hurt because you, she cut because you, she cried everyday because you. She broke up with you because she was hurting, and worried about your safety, she didn't want to cry and go through so much because you died. It hurt her just breaking up with you. She didn't go to work for a week. She spent it crying over you!" She yelled, and then walked away.

2 hours later

The Nurse went to answer the phone. "Yes? Mhm. . .Ok. Thank you." She hangs up the phone. "Hawks, sir ? Follow me." I walked behind the nurse. "Here you go." She said walking away. I opened a door, I see her sleeping on the bed, cuts all over her arms. "F*ck I messed up! I'm so f*cking sorry!" I say as if she could here me. I sit on the chair next to the bed. "Thank you." I look at her sister. "You can't come in here without me. So, I'll visit 2 times a day, at 8:00 in the morning, and 9:00 pm before bed for a hour everyday." I nod my head. "Doc says she'll be here a couple of days, maybe weeks. She lost a lot of blood and she needs more." She breaks down. "She-she's hanging by a strand. I can't live without her! I don't know what I will do." I walk up to hug her, she is fighting punching me in the chest. I wrap my arms around her.

1 hour later

"Breaking news Number 5 hero Cymbre is currently in the Hospital for unknown reasons.  Only thing we know is it regards her Ex, Number 2 hero Hawks. We currently don't know when she will awaken, it's said she could be in there for days, or even weeks. Miss Saige can you tell us about your sister, who is currently in the hospital for unknown reasons?" I was sitting watching TV. "No comment," Saige hid herself from the camera. "Will your sister make it out? Why is she in the hospital?" Nosey a$$ reporters, they piss me off. "I am not the right person to ask why she is there, now know further comments." Saige had lights flashing all around her now. "Will she survive and live to tell us what happened? And why she was dumped be the famous Hawks?" My eyes widen when I see Saige punch the reporter in the face, then shake her hand, probably out of pain. I saw Saige go into her house, flipping the reporters off. And leaving the front door to go more inside the house.

Y/n's POV:

Beep Beep Beep. I look around the familiar yet unsure place I am. I notice I am attached to so many strings. The hospital, it clicks I'm in the hospital. I look for the remote and press the call button when Nurse Ino comes "Ah Cymbre my lady you are awake let me tell your sister. Would you like anything to eat or drink?" I shake my head.  "What's today?!" I ask the lady before she walks out. "July 28 2022." My eyes go wide I was asleep for 3 days?!

30 minutes later

  I see My sister and Hawks come in. I hug Saige so happy to see her. "Y/n I'm sorry I hurt you I-" I wrap my arms around Hawks. "I should have listen to you, I just wanna put this all behind us and forget it!" I look him in the eye.

9 years later

"Where are the kids?" I ask Hawks. "With tou sister now stop worrying!" He leads me to the dinning room. "Hawks stop it! You said you wouldn't make a big deal about it!" I say as he helps me sit on the dinning room chair. Food on the table it was valentine's day. "C'mon it's valentine's day, Our 8th year anniversary, and Your birthday!" He said "well I actually did get you a little something to." I pull a bag out from behind my back. I give it to him, he looks in the bag. It's was a necklace of each of our feathers. And there was a watch where you open it and inside there is a picture of me and Hawks kissing, with the words that say

"Forever and always til death do us part, through thick and thin. The heart of an angel.

-F. Mei. Sano

[Your full name]

"I love it Y/n. I have something for you!" He kneels to the ground and pulled out a ring and said, "Marry me Y/n, you'll never have to be alone. I love you and that's all I really know. I talked to you sister, go pick out a dress. Please will you marry me?" I covered my mouth, crying. I shock my head. "Yes! I will Marry you Keigo Takami!" I say giving him my left hand, so he could put the ring on.

The end

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