Chapter Thirty Nine

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Chapter Thirty Nine


Asgard was alive with feasting and parties. It seemed that the royalty controlled the festivities; if a wedding happened, everyome celebrated as if their own wedding happened as well. It was amazing yet terrifying how much power royalty held.

But for now, we were friends, celebrating as much as the commoners were. There was no difference between the three of us and the people in the streets, besides Loki and Thor's slight glow that labeled them as gods. No one would notice, however. Everyone seemed to be glowing with joy.

I overheard a young girl chattering to her friend, the words escaping from her mouth almost faster than I could think.

"I'm glad for them! She's beautiful, and he's finally settled down. Hopefully he doesn't end up lying to her or cheating or messing around here and there. Princess Lienna is almost too good for him, especially when it comes to looks."

I snorted with laughter, then covered my mouth quickly. I didn't want to be caught eavesdropping.

Unfortunately, both Thor and Loki noticed. "What is so funny?" Thor asked, laughing a bit at my incredibly unattractive snort.

I calmed myself down enough to speak. "I- I was listening to those girls talk about the wedding."

"And?" Loki asked, raising an eyebrow.

"And she said that Princess Lienna was far more attractive than Loki could get in a wife."

Loki's smirk fell into a scowl as Thor's hearty, loud laughs filled the the restaurant we were sitting in.

"I have to agree with them, Brother," Thor said, finally stifling his laughter.

"So do I," Loki replied. I could tell he was still alightly angered about the comment, and it was quite funny.

"If it's any consolation to your wounded soul, I find you very attractive," I said.

"You'd be the first," Thor said.

His brother gave him a cold glare, then smiled softly at me. "Well, we've eaten and we've been sitting here longer than I can possibly hold my attention for, what else can we do?"

I thought for a moment, then chuckled. "We could kill a man."

Loki's eyes brightened. "I like the sound of that," he purred. My stomach sank slightly at the thought of Loki killing someone, even though he was joking. I knew he had done it before, and had attempted it in my sake, but it still made me unnerved. I had lost a hand to his own temperament.

"Ah, Loki, we can't have you doing any more of that," Thor said, pulling me out of my uneasy thoughts and following Loki's joke. Loki shrugged. "Perhaps we could just take a stroll, it would be romantic."

Thor had no partner to be romantic with, but he was willing to allow us romance when it most certainly pained him to see it. I couldn't help but smile. He seemed older, more mature. We all were more mature, especially considering when I was first Chosen until now.

"We could ride horses to the BiFrost as well," Thor continued. "Heimdall, I'm sure, would appreciate the visit."

Loki nodded thoughtfully, staring at me. I can't believe you're my wife.

I blushed. I couldn't believe his thoughts were on me, even in his subconscience. He really was romantic, though he didn't often act the part.

We paid and left, after I insisted we tip generously. We had the power, why not use it? Besides that, Thor informed me that Loki had a reputation for being rude to restaurant owners, so I felt the need to slightly help with the problem.

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