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Jihwa was nervous to go to Yuta's house

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Jihwa was nervous to go to Yuta's house. But after what happened yesterday night she really didn't feel safe back at the dorm. 

I could go to Jiayi...

What if she get's hurt? Jihwa couldn't let that happen. But entering Yuta's house was also nerve wrecking. He caught her staring at him.

A groan left her mouth.

Jihwa: You are so stupid Jihwa...

???: Are you going to just stand there or come in?

She flinched and looked upwards to the balcony of Yuta's house. There he stood, watching her with a cigarette between his lips.

Jihwa: I...

Yuta: Come in. Its going to get dark soon.

He walked in and she faced the door which clicked opened immediately. 

Jihwa: No going back now... besides what will he even do?

He won't hurt me.

She opened the door and closed it once she was inside. A few rustles made her turn to see him busy with the pool table. He spared a single glance at the female before perfecting his aim and getting a ball to fall into the hole.

He put the stick aside and approached her, looking to her shoulder. 

Yuta: You scratched yourself again.

She looked down and finally took notice of the small blood stain. 

Yuta: Take off your jacket.

Jihwa: Huh?!

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

Yuta: I didn't ask you to strip. You are wearing the tank top right? Just take off the jacket. 

He said and walked to the kitchen, opening a cabinet. Where as the female slowly took off the jacket after throwing her bag on the sofa. 

Yes, she did show her arm to him before. But it still made her nervous. She has seen how people react and talk about it when they see it. So she preferred keeping it covered.

Yuta: Come here. 

He said patting the stool by the kitchen counter. She sat down silently and watched as Yuta tended to the small cut. It was only a little bit of blood. And no pain at all. The burn scars seemed more painful to her eyes.

Yuta: You should stop scratching your arm.

Jihwa: I try. 

He hummed but said nothing further. Jihwa was confused with the lack of reaction but didn't question it.

He put a bandage on the cut and closed the medical kit. 

Yuta: You know how to play billiard?

Jihwa: Never played really.

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