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Cleaning us up, I help her put her bikini back on as well as throwing my hoodie over to her telling her to put it on because it was night fall and mi know outside muss chilly.

Leaving her in the car to finish getting dressed, I walked over to one of the vendors buying two wata and something sweet for her to eat. 

After having her in that position with her head down for so long mi know fi a fact she lightheaded.

Walking back to the car I opened the back door as she finish strap up her slippers, "Drink some a this and eat this fi bring up yuh sugar level" I say handing her the stuff.

Taking it from my hands all now she nuh look up inna mi eyes and I smile to myself.

A cyah shy she a get shy pan me

"Mamí?" I called out but she still doesn't look at me confirming my thought. 

"Nah answer me" I teased and she rolled her eyes, chuckling to myself I take a seat with my foot outside the car and my back turned to her.

"Yuh cyah get shy pan me after yuh just bruk off mi buddy eno mamí" I tell her and she playfully slap my back, "Azim can you not" she says laughing and I turn to kiss her on the lips.

Cyah get enough a dem, dem just small and plump

"Ah, yuh ready or yuh need a few more minutes?" I asked teasing her again, "Mi hate yuh eno" she says and my smile fades. 

Looking up at me she realise I wasn't joking around anymore, "Yuh good?" I asked now slightly concern I may have been too rough.

"I'm fine just sore" she tells me as she laying against me with her cheek pressed to my back and her arms wrapped around my waist.

"Yuh wah we go home instead?" I asked cause mi nah go have her inna no party and she inna pain plus if she wah cut mi can have one a the man dem come pick up Damax and we just go home.

"No, just gimmie 2 minutes" she says and I nod turning to pull her against my chest as I checked my phone.

Odaine⚰️: Really step foot back inna mi place pussy, try nuh make mi buck yuh yere

Disregarding his message cause mi know him nuh bad suh I put my phone back in my shorts pocket as she eased off me telling me she was ready to go back.

Walking into the party my eyes were glued to her and I couldn't miss the slight limp in her walk, this etched a stupid smile on my face for a brief minute.

"Unuh take unuh sweet time sah" her friend Natalie I think she name say and I ignore her.

"Yuh good bro?" Damax ask sensing my mood change and I nod.

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