Chapter 1

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In the Wiggletown Police Department, Sam and Jill were just finishing up their last bits of work.

"You all done over there, Gibson?" said Sam.

"I just finished my last paper, Sarge" said Jill. 

"Excellent. Now the only work we have to do is get ready for our big Eastery trip" said Sam.

"Our Eastery trip, Sam?" said Jill.

"Sure. It's April and it's almost Easter. And we're going to Acapulco now and coming back on Easter. See?" said Sam.

"I know. But we're coming back on Easter, which also happens to be my wedding day. Remember?" said Jill. 

"How could I forget? A wedding day is one of the worstest things to forget" said Sam.

Jill laughed and said "Does it have to be a girls' trip though?"

"Are you kidding? If we brought our men, it'd hardly be a bachelorette party when we got there" said Sam.

"I s'pose not" said Jill.

"Don't worry. You'll have Meg there to teach you how to keep Paul and you'll have me and Patty to teach you how to have a blast!" said Sam.

Jill laughed then packed her stuff to leave.

After the two girls left the police department, they walked in opposite directions.

"Where are you going?" said Jill to Sam.

"To Actorville. The guys are probably doing some Eastery stuff; they better not start without me" said Sam.

"Then you'd best hurry" said Jill.

"Are you gonna come?" said Sam.

"Not tonight. Paul said he wants to spend as much time with me as possible before we go" said Jill.

"Then you better. Right before Meg got married, me and the boys went to space with a last-minute goodbye. Paul is not gonna want one of those" said Sam.

"No, he certainly isn't. Good night, Sam" said Jill.

"Night, Jill" said Sam 

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