Chapter 47

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I recapped everything to the police then sat there listening to Chris talk to them and answered all of their questions. The more he spoke, the more I felt myself shutting down. It's just too much to sit here and listen to everything she's done and listen to them talk about her motives. I felt the nausea come on quickly and I excused myself to the restroom, barely making it in time to throw up. Luckily Chris didn't follow me so once I was done, I sat on the floor and cried. How could I have missed this? She'd been stalking us for over a year, publishing articles and photos talking about how awful I was and calling me all sorts of names. How many times has she impersonated me before? Has she ever fooled Chris before? Or Sebastian? My friends? My family? Could she fool my mom or my brothers? We have the same face and she could be me anytime she wants. It didn't take long for him to start texting me. 'Are you alright?' 

'Yeah, I'll be out in a minute. Just feeling nauseous again today.'

'Do you need me?'

'No, I'm fine. I just need a second.'

'Okay, let me know if you need anything.'

'Thanks, love.'

I put my phone down, letting my head rest against the wall and my hand settle on my stomach. "I promise you little one, daddy and I are going to fix this and make it safe for you to come into this world. You, him, and your fury big brother are everything to me. I'm going to protect you, my baby boy." I promised my unborn son

I let myself cry on the floor for a little bit longer before I dragged myself up and washed my hands. My stomach was concealed by a baggy sweatshirt of Chris' which had become my go-to for going out in public since all of Chris' clothes were much too large on me. He never seemed to mind when I raided his side of the dresser, he often would hand me one of his shirts before I could even pick one out. It's a difficult place to be, on one hand, I want my husband to comfort me and tell me it'll be alright but on the other, I know that this is my fault and I should be apologizing to him for the added stress. Couldn't this have happened when I wasn't pregnant? I'm terrified that the stress will hurt him or that I'll send myself into early labor. Once my tears were dried, I splashed cold water on my face to try and hide my tears then I rinsed my mouth out and headed out. Chris was still talking to the detective but he'd moved so he could see the bathroom door and as soon as he saw me, he excused himself. "Do we need to go?" He asked as he pulled me into his arms

"No, I just needed a second. You know how sick I've been this entire time, it's just morning sickness."

He dropped his voice as he locked down into my eyes. "Don't give me that, I know you're morning sickness stopped weeks ago. All of this is making you sick, everything she's done is affecting you so much that you get sick."

"I don't want to talk about it. Let's just get done so we can get to the doctor please."

"Okay, I love you Cassie and I promise that we're going to fix this. Our family is going to be safe."

"I love you too."

Chris didn't seem to care about the fact that there were people watching us, he pulled me into his lap when he sat back down with the detective. I melted into him and just accepted his embrace rather than fight it. The detective looked at us a little funny but continued like I wasn't there. "Mr. Evans, do you or your wife feel like you're in danger?"

"I'm not afraid of her hurting me but we have no idea what she's capable of or how far she'll go," Chris responded

"What about your wife? Is she afraid that her sister will hurt her?"

I felt Chris tense up when he realized the detective was just ignoring me entirely and only addressing him. "I'm not going to speak for my wife, why don't you ask her?"

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