Chapter 15: Sharing Is Caring

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  Chiasa got Itsuki water and had him choke down the mixture of herbs. Then she went outside to check on the Oni they had apparently taken in.

  It seemed that Chikao and Itsuki had a strange knack for adopting people... First Souta, now Hayate... What was going to be next?

  Chiasa slowly approached Hayate, who was still lying against one of the trees near the shrine. A few of Souta's kids were loitering around, playing with Tontie.

  Hayate sighed in annoyance when he saw her. He turned his head to the side and folded his arms.

  "Just let me heal you. Please, it's the least I could do to thank you," Chiasa sat down on her knees in front of him.

  Hayate shook his head, "I didn't do a thing."

  "Of course you did. You led everyone through the forest and helped a lot in that fight," Chiasa offered her hand.

  Hayate closed his eyes, "I'm fine. I don't need any healing."

  Chiasa chuckled, shaking her head.

  "What're you laughing about?" He watched her through narrowed eyes.

  "I've only met one other demon and you're very similar," the crane explained, "he never accepted help, no matter who it was from. But he was sweet on the inside, and very fun-loving, too." She sighed, "but he changed... after his wife died, it was like he was a different person..."

  She heaved a sad sigh, "but I guess that's what happens when you lose half of your soul..."

  Hayate slowly pressed his hand against his chest, "yeah..."

  Chiasa smiled, "I may not know all the details, but that dragon you fought wasn't your beloved. The dragon who saved you was." She put both her hands against the Oni's face and cast a healing spell.

  Hayate closed his eyes tightly, "don't say things like that."

  "Sorry," she chuckled, "I'm only trying to help..."

  "That Oni you were talking about..." Hayate paused, "what was his name?"

   "Hm? Oh, I think it was-"

  Tontie squealed, but not at all in a happy or playful way. He ran around in a terrified state for a moment before darting off into the woods.

  Chiasa and Hayate jumped to their feet and ran after him. The crane yokai touched her fingers to her neck and spoke to Chikao, "that animal you brought back is running away!"


  "He just suddenly ran off into the woods. Hayate and I are chasing after him."

  "Don't let him get far!" Chikao let go of the cord around his neck. He carefully laid Itsuki down, "I'll be right back, okay?"

  "Why's he running away?..." Itsuki asked groggily.

  "Hm?... You could hear that?..."

  Itsuki nodded weakly, "it's so loud in here..."

  "I know, I'm sorry," Chikao caressed his hand lovingly.

  "Go get Tontie back... don't worry about me..."

  Chiaki hated this. He couldn't just leave Itsuki here to suffer on his own! But he couldn't let Kota get away from him for a second time...

  Chikao cursed himself as he got to his feet, "don't try to do anything..." He ran out the door, the red string extending as he moved.

  The Kitsune sprinted into the woods, pinpointing Tontie's position through his ownership of the domain. That's when Chikao realized: he was heading for the hell gate! He sped up, going as fast as he physically could.

The Pink PearlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora