Chapter 30- "Hey."

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Sebastian's POV

She charged, slowing her movements for me to block as she threw impactful punches.  She put me on the defensive, backing me to a corner as I was busy dodging her hits. I forgot about her feet, she kicked me into the chest, in more than one way taking my breath away. 

"If you can't breathe, you can't fight." She stopped, standing still. "After all the energy spent blocking my hits, the oxygen struggles to recuperate into your lungs." 

I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. 

"I wish you could feel what I feel. Each fiber vibrating, sharing the wavelength of your heartbeat, it is exhilarating." 

I regained my breathing, striking, protecting my chest and throat. She dodged with ease, I swiped from below, but she flipped backwards with cat-like grace landing on her feet. 

She blinked in front of me, smiling. "Good. You are learning. You need to find my weakness then use it against me." 

"I know how to fight." I said confidently. 

"I just killed four Alphas and I am not using my full speed or Zari's strength. Just because you know something doesn't mean you can't learn a few more tricks." 

The air shifted as she appeared behind me. She kicked my ankle, spreading my heels parallel to each other, pushing my hips back. She blinked in front of me, throwing a punch but I caught it with my left hand. 

"See. Wolves favor their right; vampires are taught to attack the left and find your weak spot. By changing your footing, you anticipated my movements." 


She shrugged. "I think there are schools for vampire children. Anyway, if you can't see where I am going, you can feel it with the frequency trick I taught you."

"Okay, anything else?" 

"Surprise me, don't hold back." She winked at me, getting in her fighting stance. 

I wanted to kiss her, but I knew it wasn't the right time. 

Later, later. I told myself. Stop thinking with your dick. 

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes to exhale. My wolf studied her essence, capturing her strawberry vanilla honey scent inciting, without the rotting flesh odor attaching itself to her. 

I attacked first, switching so she was on the defensive. Under the full moon, Star wasn't the only one who had an advantage; each punch was strong, powerful and precise. My blows began to connect, until she turned the tables on me. 

She threw her bodyweight, wrapping her legs around my neck, taking me down. She reversed, kneeling into my ribs, caving in, snapping like twigs.

I headbutted her through my pain, gritting my teeth, I struggled to stand glaring at her. 

“There goes that killer Alpha instinct.” She snickered.

"Are you upset about something?"

"Yes. I will not give up on Zari." 

I grabbed a hold of her wrist, bending it back to entangle her hair. Lowering my voice to her ear, I said. "You know what Zari smells like?" I raised my knee into her spine, creating an arch, attempting to fracture the vertebrae. 

She crouched down, flipping me into a tree, her foot accelerated on my chest, pausing to keep me still. "It is the smell that bothers you, that repulses you?” 

"At times, but I am not her mate. That's not a crime. She smells like a relict." 

"What does that mean?" 

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