Chapter 15 (Emilys POV)

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I slept with the thoughts of the day and Aaron who brought me 6 tacos. When I came back home, the bag had 3 more extra tacos. I grinned eye to eye and literally fell on this gesture of his. Next morning I woke up to the harmonic thrumming sound of the rain. The rain was till tipping town. I got up from the cosy bed to peek out of the window. People were having a good time under rain coats and umbrellas dressed up in coats to protect themselves from the approaching cold weather.

I finally got the hold on my phone. Last night was so hectic yet fun that I even forgot that this little device actually exist. I treated myself with a yummy cheese omelet along with coffee for breakfast. It seems like forever since I've talked to my girls. I video called them with hopes of them attending my call.

Stassie: Heyyyy. What's up.
*Marie joined the call*
Marie: Hi girlies. Good to see you guys after 24 years.
Me: Hahah it's been very long no?
Stassie: I know right. Feels like forever. The rain last night was terrible. Daniel and I got stuck in my bakery without singles but luckily we had enough cupcakes left to fill our growling stomachs.
Marie: I was supposed to dress up a bride for a crazy midnight wedding which got postponed the last moment and I ended up with a burned roasted chicken I tried to cook.
Me: Aww Marie, I feel sorry for the chicken.
Stassie: RIP Chicken.
Marie: Shutup you guys. Emily, how was dinner last night.
Me: Ahhhh, got you guys a treat.
Stassie: WHATTTT.
Marie: Please God, tell me Aaron proposed you or maybe you guys hugged. Something romantic please.
Me: Marie I wish I could slap you right now. It was nothing like that okay!
Stassie: Could you please start Emily. I have a business to look after and I wanna hear the complete story right now please.
Marie: Come on Em speak. We're all ears.

I narrated the whole story to them with the imaginative story I came up with and there exquisite response matched perfectly with the breakfast.

Stassie: You're kidding me.
Marie: The man is coming for you.
Stassie: Hear me out Em. HE IS FLAT.

They got excited like a baby getting new toys. Stas and Marie were literally screaming out of bliss, leaving me with a tingling sensation.

Marie: Shit those signals last night. I wanted to bless my ears with this news sooner.
Stassie: Better late than never Marie.
Stassie: Em, what if he proposes you tonight.
Emily: Are you guys done. Come on it was nothing like you guys imagining.
Marie: Oh honey please, enjoy the moment. Feel it. Get into a relationship. This man is so handsome and he is in love with you.
Stassie: I am ordering a dress right away for Marie and I.
Emily: Marieeeee. Noooooo. It isn't like that.
Stassie: I know you're feeling every single emotion right now. You know you like him. You just aren't ready to accept it. Come on darling, you can get into a relationship. Not every one is like your stupid ex.
Marie: Exactly.
Emily: I can't have a relationship with him come on you girls. Think practically.
Stassie: There is no thinking practically in love Em.
Marie: Everything is fair in love and war.

A notification from the hospital popped up on my phone.

Emily: Guys, there's a message from hospital. I'll call you people later.
Marie: Weren't you on a night duty this week.
Emily: Yes. I don't know. There might be an emergency. Let me check. See you girlies. Love you bye.
Marie and Stas: Bye hon.

Notification reported that I was going to assist Dr Wasden as his assistant wouldn't be able to make it. As I was figuring it out, Dr Aaron's messaged interrupted the screen.

Aaron: Hi Doctor Emily. Hope you munched on your extra 3 tacos last night. You have a surgery tonight with Dr Wasden as his assistant is on an emergency leave.
Me: Thank you so much for the extra ones. How did you know I needed more? Received a message about it. I'll get on it.
Aaron: Haha your face is quite readable. Good luck.
Me: Embarrassed. Thank you doctor.

Awwww. This was sweet. I started to think about the operation. Dr Wasden has always been nice to me and he's an amazing surgeon but I've never worked with him which somewhat makes me nervous. However, I quickly brushed off my thoughts and started to prepare for the surgery tonight.

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