8, Break out

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I'm bored.

Yeah we're bored.

She ignored the whining in her head as she leant against Jerome as he played a game of cards with Richie.

Barbara- Hayley's new bestest friend, sat across from her mirroring her actions. She too was also leaning against the male next to her, although she had Aaron (the big brute), painting her nails. Hayley turned her head towards the entrance gate as the guards let in an unfamiliar prisoner. The man was wide around the stomach with a receding hairline, He began yelling as soon as he was shoved into the room.

"Greetings! I am the mAstEr of soMe kind of bUllsHit!" His voice blurred in her head as she turned back to the game her redhead was playing. Hayley ignored the large man behind her who jumped on a table and began to yell louder. She was to busy thinking how funny it would be if she pulled at Jerome's hair.

Just as she reached up to tug at a red strand she, and the others in the room noticed the blue smoke coming from the new inmate causing people to start yelling. Hayley and the group rushed to their feet, where they began to cough and choke on the blue gas. Hayley was one of the first to pass out shortly followed by every one in the room.


Hayley blinked, coming to in a large room with windows covering the wall opposite her. She gazed out at the familiar sight of Gotham city.

She glowered at the skyline as she waited for the others to awaken. A tick in her jaw irritated her as her head snapped right. The first person to wake was the old nutty cannibal, who was strapped onto another board on the opposite side of Jerome who was still unconscious.

"Are we still in Arkham?"

She rolled her eyes at the obviously stupid question. "Does this look like Arkham?" She growled, glaring out the window. She turned her face to glare at the idiot who was clearly trying to scare her. Not that it was working. He was anything but scary, he almost looked like a demented squirrel-On Drugs!


What a Dumb dog.

Now now, He's not a dog.

He's just road kill on the side of the curb no one cares to clean up!

She giggles out loud at her inner musings. With a snap of the neck she turns away from the cannibal to look out the window again.

As Hayley stared out the window the other ex-inmates began to wake up around her- All if them just as confused and complaining about it.

The blonde ignored their loud musings as she caught sight of a faintly familiar man stepping into the room from her right, followed by a gorgeous woman dressed in leather. "My name is Theo Galavan." he gestured to the woman.

"This is my sister, Tabitha."

She squints her eyes, trying to figure out why she knew his name. "I understand your confused." She scoffed quietly. "Scared, a little groggy, but please relax."

"Today is the first day of a wonderful future for all of you." The 'smooth-talker' paced in front of the caged inmates. "If you want it."

"Who are you?" She wasn't sure who asked but she nodded in agreement to the question. Haley knew him. "Well, now, the question is, who are you?" Haley couldn't help but roll her eyes again with another scoff.

What kind of dumbass question is that?

"Well, seeing as you're the one who broke us out- I would hope you know who we are." She growled looking up at the man. The man's smile tightened slightly around the edges.

"The world sees criminal lunatics." He continues, acting like she never spoke.

"I see brilliance." Theo Galavan paces down the row.

"I see charisma." He glances at the redheaded boy, pausing.

He stops in front of Barbara at the end of the row. "And power."

"I see power." 

"Yessss!" Jerome drawled lowly, a wide grid spreading across his cheeks. "Exactly, my man." Hayley grinned, "That is so spooky. That is us to a T." The blonde gestured to Jerome and herself with her head. "These other bozos, I don't know, but you're singing our song." Jerome continued Hayley's train of thought. 

"Quiet Jerome." The two teens glowered over at Richard. "Keep talking." He motioned towards Galavan. 

"Imagine a group of brilliant outlaws like yourselves," He continued. "each selected for a unique ability," He paused, causing Hayley to let out a exhale of annoyance. "all working together as a team."

"Imagine the synergy." He paced. 

And paced, "Imagine the impact." 

"Gotham would tremble before you." And paced.

"Well, that sounds fabulous, but I'm not a brilliant outlaw." Barbara spoke up fron the far edge. Her head rolling to follow the man. "I just have..." She faked a smile. "Hmm... Issues."

Hayley snickered at the other blondes words. "You have ferocity and beauty and desire. And that's enough." Hayley tuned out the droning voice turning to look out the window. "Miss Kean and Hayley are coming with me." Said girl blinks, turning to look at Richard as he's unstrapped. 

"Oh, They don't want to go where you're going." He smirked, causing a frown to grow on Hayleys face. 

With a sudden crack, there was a whip wrapped around Richards throat. Hayley pouted slightly as she watched him continue to groan and choke. Jerome cackled next to her, everyone watching the events in front of them. 

"Anyone else wanna leave?"

No one responded.

"Well, lets get you all out of these straps shall we?" Galavan said with a pleasant smile on his face- giving Hayley another sense of deja vu. 

Come on lil blondie, 

you know him.

She frowned at the man as she rolled her shoulders. She was going to go insane trying to place his face. 

Heh, insane.

𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕷𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝕷𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍 // J.VWhere stories live. Discover now