Part 40

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Kirishima cautiously watched the clip, flinching every time Bakugo snapped at their classmates. He knew that his best friend- because that was what they were, even if Bakugo refused to admit it- could be aggressive, but he never lashed out like this before. It was... it was like he was fighting everyone out there, not just Izuku-sensei. He was... well, he was downright vicious.

He would shoulder Todoroki out of the way, or throw off anyone who tried to help him. Even though they couldn't make out most of the audio, Kirishima could tell he was yelling obscenities at anyone that was within range. But he could also tell it wasn't in his usual way of yelling.

It was... angrier, and a whole lot more pained. Kirishima knew that Bakugo might have some trouble dealing with things after the whole League of Villains kidnapping situation, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

He thought he would be able to help his friend, to be able to take some of the burden from his shoulders. He didn't account for Bakugo pushing everyone away, to push him away. And that tore him up inside. How was he supposed to be a hero when he couldn't even help his friend with this? First he couldn't help Mina, and now he couldn't help Bakugo, and he was starting to see a pattern.

He couldn't save them.

The thought had been plaguing him for a while now, and he was doing his best to shove it out of his mind. But he couldn't get rid of it. He knew it was true, he knew that he hadn't been able to save them. In middle school, he had been too scared to move. He was able to logically tell himself that it was okay, and it didn't hurt that Mina did the same thing.

But with Bakugo, he just didn't know how.

His only consolation was his promise to himself that he would make sure Bakugo knew he could count on him, that Kirishima would always be there for him, no matter what.

In like a friend-y sort of way. Because Bakugo was manly.

Once the clip was done playing, the whole class seemed to hold their breath, waiting to see if Bakugo was going to get upset and yell at them. To their surprise, he stayed silent, choosing to slouch down as far as he could into his seat instead. His glare held an ocean of anger and loathing in it, though.

"So? Is anyone ready to do an analysis of the fight?" Izuku-sensei asked expectantly. He didn't seem to realize that nobody wanted to answer because they were afraid that they might accidentally set off Bakugo. Nobody wanted the angry blonde causing property damage in Izuku-sensei's room. Who knows what he might do. "C'mon, guys. You were doing so well with your analysis of the other mock fight, I know you can do great with this one too!"

It appears that Yaoyorozu is weak, because it only took a second of her being subjected to Izuku-sensei's excited and pleading face for her to raise her hand, looking pointedly away from Bakugo.

"They had a good plan to start with, but the problem lies with the... execution," Yaoyorozu delicately said, neatly sidestepping placing blame on anyone from the other team. Specifically Bakugo.

"Yes, I would agree with that assessment, but can you go into further detail on it? I want you to be able to exactly pinpoint where they went wrong." I get the impression that Izuku-sensei doesn't fully understand just what he's asking us to do... we're so dead.

"Um," Yaoyorozu nervously gulps, "I suppose the first problem was when Bakugo rushed in before his team could support him. They weren't in sync and that affected how effective they were when taking on an opponent. If they had been able to get back on track in the early stages of the fight, they would've likely still had a fighting chance. But, as it stood, they were unable to come together and fight as a team."

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