Season 9 Episode 4 Pat 2 :Slumber Party

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* So let me start by apologizing for missing last week. Between a completely new shift at work and two sick kids, it was a little off. I had this chapter written, just not edited yet. I jumped back on to edit this one, and I have 3 others waiting for the same TLC. Hopefully, I don't miss another*

Robin recalled she had two books that contained attack spells, and a few had defensive. She looked through the one that the boys would have preferred she choose for her attack, memorizing incantations. However, the other book had the more effective options, with a price. She still hadn't gotten rid of the book with dark magic and realized that this might be necessary today.

"Hey, where's the armory" Charlie burst in the door and instinctively, Robin slid it under her pillow to hide it? Charlie examined her for a moment. "That's the book from the red-haired witch, isn't it?"

"Edlund mentioned that huh" Robin nodded.

"Robin, you need to get rid of that book" Charlie insisted. "You can't use dark magic; you know what happens."

"I don't" Robin nodded. "I try and stay away from it. But desperate times."

Charlie sat down. "From what I've seen, there have been a lot of desperate times. You use it every time, you know where you end up."

"And I would do it" Robin nodded. "To save everyone."

"Robin" Charlie nodded. "Give me the book."

"What" Robin scoffed? "No."

"What do you think Jo would say" She asked her? "Or Bobby."

"You know I actively defied my father" Robin nodded.

"And Jo" she asked?

Robin couldn't reply and honestly say Jo would be okay with it. She sighed and handed the book to Charlie. "Don't go looking for it."

Robin didn't reply. She got to her feet and headed for the dungeon and stopped short when she saw Crowley standing. "What the hell is this?"

"You want intel on your little friend" Crowley sneer. "So, want the feeling back in my ass."

"So I can stick my foot up it" she snarled?

"I like where your head's at" he winked. "Suppose they want you in the ring with this one."

"What's it to you" she glared.

"It's nothing to me love" he shrugged. "But who doesn't love an underdog?"

"This is the part I'm supposed to get offended you think I'm inferior to one of the most epic villains of all time" she scoffed?

Crowley said nothing and his words didn't affect her. Robin headed down the hall to the kitchen where she heard someone shifting around. She readied her angel blade and edged closer along the wall. Sam and Dean were still dealing with Crowley. Charlie was in the control room with Dorothy, which left only one person. She came around the corner and threw her angel blade. Without looking the witch waved her hand and sent the blade whizzing back at Robin. She jumped out of the way, evading it as it lodged itself in the wall behind her.

The witches eyes were glowing green, and she fired an energy blast at Robin. "Clypeus" she shouted, shielding herself. When she looked again, the witch was gone.

Sam and Dean were headed towards her.

"What the hell happened" Dean asked?

"Well, I found the witch" Robin replied, starting to shimmy her angel blade loose from the wall. "When I put up my shield, she got away."

"Did you see where" Sam asked?

"No" she grunted as she freed the blade.

Charlie and Dorothy walked into the wreckage of the kitchen. "What happened here?"

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