Chapter Seven

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Luna paced the forest floor, her paws thumping against the frozen dirt. Her mind raced as she thought of her last encounter with Eclipse.
She had never had those feelings before, especially not towards another lone wolf. It was practically forbidden in her list of survival rules.
Yet all she could think about was him.
She watched the distant stars above the treetops as they danced and twinkled in bright little clusters. She wondered what it was like, to be so high and so carefree with others of your kind. She never thought she could have that luxury again...never even dreamt it was possible.
His bright green eyes gleamed in the back of her mind and she knew it had to be possible. She had a chance.
She lifted her head to call out for him, but then she stopped herself.
What if he doesn't want me?
She thought about it carefully, her mind racing yet again.
Everything he had done for her could've just been friendly gestures with no other motives behind them.
But why would another lone wolf go through so much effort just to be friendly?
Granted, it could've been no effort at all with the strength that he possessed, but she could never be too sure.
She started pacing again when she heard a twig snap nearby.
Her head whipped over to see a light grey, almost mist-like, wolf cowering in the brush. It was a smaller female with lean muscles and a gentle face.
She watched Luna with terror flashing deep in her brown eyes.
"I'm so sorry- I didn't- I was just-"
Luna silenced her with a quick raise of her tail and upper lip.
"What are you doing in my territory!? And quit stuttering!"
The female forced herself even lower to the ground and she made sure to tuck her tail in between her legs.
"I was just passing through... I'm a new lone wolf... my pack was killed..."
"Did you even pay attention to my markers?"
The female nodded enthusiastically.
"Oh, yes! They were very strong and they gave off a very clear message."
Luna eyed the intruder curiously.
Is she honestly this stupid? Or is she just trying to play me?
"So you ignored the very clear signals to stay away?"
The female nodded enthusiastically yet again.
"I'm on a mission to find a new pack. After all, I'm not really alpha material."
She grinned up at Luna before continuing.
"So I just passed through here, thinking maybe if there were markers then there had to be other wolves and..."
She trailed off as she looked into Luna's icy eyes.
"Well, there's only me," Luna growled, "so sorry to disappoint you."
The she-wolf's tail wagged slightly and her eyes gleamed.
"I know that's not true! I smelled a male's scent, too! It was a very musky scent..."
She wrinkled her snout and winked at Luna. Then she cocked her head and eyed Luna carefully.
"You do know that he's in your territory, don't you?"
Luna's patience was quickly fading as she glared down at the wolf.
"Of course I do!"
"Then he must be your mate!"
She smiled at Luna innocently.
"No, we just have... an agreement," Luna growled.
The she-wolf arched her brow and her smile immediately turned sly and knowing.
"Oh... an agreement. Well, I guess that's completely different from being his mate..."
"It is! And who are you, anyways?" Luna snapped, finally at her wits' end.
The she-wolf's smile faded as she saw Luna's fur start to bristle.
"My name is Misty," she said, " and what, if I may ask, is your name?"
She nodded.
"Seems fitting... I know you can probably say the same thing for me, too."
Luna inspected the wolf with cautious eyes, the fur on her back starting to go down again.
Why is she still here? Why haven't I driven her out yet?
"So why are you still here, dare I ask?"
Misty wagged her tail again, this time untucking it a little from under her belly. She got up from the ground, slowly and submissively so as not to challenge Luna. Then she smiled yet again.
"I want to join your pack."
Luna's eyes widened as she watched the other wolf.
"I told you, I don't have a pack."
Misty shook her head.
"I'm not stupid, Luna."
I beg to differ.
"What do you mean?!"
"I mean that there is a strong, available male wolf and you are a strong, available female wolf. You're both sharing a territory..."
She arched an eyebrow yet again, expecting Luna to fill in the missing pieces.
Luna shook her head.
"It's not like that..."
"Well, still. I want to be around other wolves, and you haven't chased me out yet so..."
She continued to smile at Luna, but now her eyes were desperate, pleading.
Luna stared at the pitiful creature before her and something in her heart told her to accept Misty, even if she didn't have a true pack.
"Okay, fine. You can join my 'pack', as you call it. If you get on my bad side though..."
"No worries! I swear I'll behave! You're the alpha, I got it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
She bounced up and down on her paws and she practically licked Luna she was so ecstatic.
Luna rolled her eyes.
What have I gotten myself into?

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