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New York City was frosty and busy. Crowded waves of people were swarming the October nights. It was near halloween and a massive Halloween party was taking place. In a posh restaurant was Laura. She was sweet and innocent waiting on her date. RING RING RING! It's her date.
"Hi Reggie!"
"Nice to phone you in person, That's what I get for picking a trendy place with no sign out front" he replied.
"Why do they do that?" Laura asked.
"I don't know, I've only been in the city a few months."
"No way , me too" she chuckled in excitement.
"This is embarrassing, this isn't the first impression I wanted to make on a professor"
"Assistant professor and its just film study. You're safe" she laughed.
"That's cool" the man replied
"You say that but try teaching a class on 20th century slashers to a bunch of hungover nineteen year olds" Laura mumbled.
"Slashers? What's your favourite scary movie?" The man asked.
"Not that one"
"So why slashers?"
"You can really examine the cultures by looking at the tropes of the time, the masked girl, the final girl, don't split up, don't have sex." She continued while exiting the restaurant to spot him in sight.
"Don't answer the phone, I'm more of a rom com guy. Am I on Hudson?"
"No" Laura questioned.
"Shit I'm not on Hudson, I'm still a block over"
"What colour is the outside of the restaurant?"
"Red" she replied.
"I don't see anything red? I could be wrong , let me have a looksie. There's an alley I can cut through , is it near an alley? There are dumpsters"
"I see them but i dont see you" Laura smiled.
"The person I'm looking at isn't waving, they're just staring at me , oh shit he's following me, he's got a Knife!" The man cried.
"Where are you?" Laura screamed in a hurry running down the alley way in her heels.
The man's voice changed. However it didn't sound like Reggie. It sounded like Ghostface. "The worst part is, you teach a class on slashers and still walk down a dark alley"
"That's not funny" she shivered.
"No it's not" Ghostface chuckled. A group of screams were heard down the alley by Laura. She turned in spook to see a bunch of teenagers fucking around. Ghostface jumped out and stabbed her a bunch of times. Her shrieking scream pierced the alley as she fell onto the floor.
"Now I see something red" Ghostface laughed. He took off his mask. It was Jason. Jason was a psychotic child who was a student of Laura's.

Jason travelled home but on the way he saw Tara off to the Halloween party. "Tara" he greeted.
"Jason, are you and Greg coming to the OBK party?" Tara asked.
"Once he gets his Spanish homework done, we are" Jason laughed. "Your sister coming?"
"Sam wouldn't be caught d*ad at a frat party" Tara laughed.
"Can't convince her?"
"Not really my problem, it's yours" she said walking off shrugging her shoulders. As Jason arrived home he called for his boyfriend. "Honey im home!" He was searching for Greg but couldn't find him anywhere so he added his mask to his obsessive STAB collection. Greg called him.
"I know , I got massive blue balls, I had to practice, how mad are you?" Jason asked on the phone to Greg.
"Oh I'm not mad" Ghostface called.
"We said we wouldn't use the voice on each other@
"We said a lot of things"
"This is Greg right?" Jason queried.
"Who else would it be?" He replied.

"We should go to that party, Sam and Tara are going to be there"
"Tell me What was it like?" Ghostfaces voice inhaled.
"Not on the phone and Turn off the fucking voice modulator" Jason cried.
"I just wanted to get the voice right, you got your practice."
"Come out!" Jason cried.
"Humour me then I'll come out" Ghostface screamed.
"I know you're not here"
"I am. Who did you kill?" He sinisterly asked.
"Laura Crane. Professor Crane. It was even better than we could have imagined, When the Knife went in, she wasn't a person anymore, just an animal, like meat"
"She wasn't just meat, she was a person, our film professor" Ghostface shivered.
"She shouldn't have given me a C minus" Jason eyerolled.
"Is that why you killed her? That C, Who's next? Your gradeschool vice principal?"
"You know who's next? Why are you f**king with me?" Jason cried.
"How long have we known each other?"
"You tell me" Jason angered.
"Eight years, we met in Atlanta, I want you to tell me in your words why you're doing this."
"We're finishing Richie's movie"
"That's right, by k*lling the Carpenter sisters" the voice hissed.
"Do you wanna play a game"
"Are you using the cameras?" Jason asked.
"You wanna play douchebag, let's play" Ghostface said eagerly.
"This is stupid, I'm going to hang up now"
"But you're getting warmer" Ghostface cried.
"Where are you?"
"Why do you keep asking me that?" Ghostface said frustratedly."Colder, Warmer You're on fire"
Jason opened the fridge door to see greg cut up into chunks in a bloodbath. He screamed and saw ghostface. Ghostface stabbed him.
"Do you feel like an animal Jason? Like meat?"
"But we have to finish the movie!" He cried with blood drooling from his mouth.
Ghostface called before slicing him.. "Who gives a fuck about movies?"

Sam sat eager to get out in her therapy room with her therapist. She explained to him her thoughts and how she murdered Richie. However there was a twist, someone had made an account which created an illusion that Sam was Ghostface and set Richie up. She was devastated as more and more people started to follow and believe it. Sam was walking home and saw the terror of police tape shutting off the road. As she arrived home she heard a banging sound. Like someone was shaking around in the room. She walked passed her roommate Quinn's door and laughed.

Quinn shot out of her door.
"Was we too loud?" She huffed out of exhaustion.
"Where's Tara?" Sam asked.
"Don't be mad" Quinn pleaded.
"Why would I be mad?"
"Because you'd be mad" she smiled. A boys voice was mumbling in the background.
"Is that Paul?"
"Who's Paul?" Quinn laughed, "Life I have found is about variety" she stopped. "She went to that Omega beta kappa party"
"I begged her not to go to that"
"And we've now arrived at that" Quinn added
"Babe are you coming back to bed?" The boy Quinn was having sex with called out.
"Babe?" Sam asked.
"I don't know" Quinn replied. They walked over to the window where they saw their neighbour Danny.
"Oh look it's the hot neighbour. And shirtless!" Quinn gazed. Danny looked up at Sam and they both smiled at eachother eagerly. "That right there is all the romantic interaction I'm ready for" Sam melted.

The moon shot upon the Halloween party in the city. Elegance of blue filled the room as cheers of laughter and cheer were heard. Mindy was sitting on the chair with her new girlfriend Anika. Anika stared at the people dressed in Ghostface masks and costumes.
"Doesn't it bother you? Being at a frat party after you were almost brutally m*rder at a frat party?" She asked Mindy politely.
"It's like being struck by lightning, the odds of it happening twice are extremely low" Mindy laughed. "Guess I'll stay close to you then." Anika winked but spotted Tara. She jumped up and travelled towards her. "You alright T?" She asked.
"Yeah!" Tara replied. Tara was with some boy at the party. Billie followed behind Tara in a zombie-cheerleader costume. Anika and Mindy smiled at her while she walked passed. Billie went to get a drink where Ethan and Chad were.
"The dynamic duo, tower, four , three, one, five" Chad praised.
"You're a meal all on your own" Ethan laughed. Chad turned to a local girl and asked her if she thought Ethan was a snack. She shook her head and turned back around. Billie walked past. "BILL!" Chad laughed. "Sup" Billie replied.
"Do you think Ethan's a snack?" He grinned.
"Nah im good" she said smiling.
"Hey!" Ethan smiled.
"Joking your cute. A bit of a snack." She winked.
Ethan but his lip, "hey didn't you Date Billie back in summer last year?"
"Yeah. I mean. That. Im. Yeah. Over it." He gulped.
"So if me and Billie became something it wouldn't be weird right?"
"Totally.. not." He replied to Ethan lying that he was over Billie. Tara and the boy were hurrying up the stairs. Chad spotted them from a mile away and the group hurried over to her.
"Come on T lets go before Sam kills you" Billie smiled.
"I'm fine Billie but thanks." She said.
"Let's go." The boy said. Chad got him and started pushing him. They kept pushing eachother in anger. Sam came in. "Sorry to interrupt im just gonna tase you in the balls real quick." Sam tased him and he fell to the floor screaming at her. Tara screamed at Sam.

"I can't believe you did that, you embarrassed me" Tara cried to Sam.
"That guy was a dick, he was going to take advantage of you"
"If I want to hook up with an asshole, that's my decision" she replied shouting, "you were out of my life for five years now you can't leave me alone for five minutes"
"Have you even been to see the therapist?" Sam asked.
"No because I'm uninterested in living in the past like you are"
"What's that supposed to mean?" Sam asked.
"It means I'm not going to let what happened to me for three days define the rest of my life. Why are you here in New York? You're working two shitty jobs to help with whatever, what's your plan? I'm going to keep going to college, get my degree and live my life, it's my life!" Tara raged, "You have to let go eventually." The group walked continued walking in silence. A group of teens passed Sam calling her a psycho. Sam went to fight her but the rest of the group held her. They all walked off and Ethan offered her a tissue sympathetically. Billie stayed further back behind with Sam and Ethan.

"Hey, you was just trying to help." Billie smiled.
"Exactly." Ethan replied.
"No it's just whatever I do to help is never good enough. I'm just trying to help god!" Sam cried.
"Hey, hey we know" Billie said as Ethan and her put an arm around Sam.
"We've got you okay?" They both said. Sam smiled at the two and walked home.

𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐒, screamDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora