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Arya Azael twirls around in confusion

Arya Azael says...

"How the hell did I get here?"

Arya Azael breathes heavily

Arya Azael says...

"I swear I was just in my bed?!"

Toby Anderson looks at Arya Azael confused

Toby Anderson says...

"Well, you're here now. So there's nothing we can really do about that."

Toby Anderson chuckles

Arya Azael says...

"I didn't think I'd be back on so soon..."

Arya Azael tilts their head.

"I was quite busy. Wasn't I?"

Toby Anderson shrugs.

Toby Anderson says...

"I wouldn't know, boss. I wasn't there."

Arya Azael laughs.

Arya Azael says...

"Good to be back on, Toby."

Arya Azael grins.

Toby Anderson says...

"Good to see you back, Boss."

Toby Anderson smiles.

Arya Azael says...

"So, Toby, what do you have for me today?"

Toby Anderson pulls out a notepad.

Toby Anderson says...

"So, Boss, I-"

A huge grumble shakes the earth.

A crack forms in the wall.

Arya Azael stumbles onto the ground.

Arya Azael shakes their head in exasperation.

Arya Azael pulls themself back on their feet.

The earth quakes once more.

Arya Azael says...

"Toby? What the hell is going on here?"

Figure 120,046,369,024: DISCONNECTED.

Arya Azael steps back.

Arya Azael says...



Symbiont 427 cracks a smile.

"Welcome back, Arya Azael."



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