chapter two

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Charles POV:

Pierre and his girlfriend Ally came over to the house. We all normally hang out when we can but they boys have been coming over more since Emily. They are all here for me but to be honest I knew it was ending long before it did. They texted me saying they have some news for me. And I can already guess what it is. But for their sake I will wait and act surprised. I heard the doorbell ring and hugged both of them.

"How are you doing?" Ally asked me. She is a motherly figure to everyone and we all love it so much.

"I am doing great. I just needed like 3 weeks to get over it. We weren't together for long so it wasn't much damage." I assured them both. Then we got on to catching up about everything.

"Well Leclerc, we have some new for you." Pierre said to me with a mischievous look on his face.

"Well what is it?"

"I have a girl for you. It's Genevieve, you have heard me mention her before. She is like my sister and we are very close.." Ally pointed out.

"Oh yeah I remember you mentioning her."

"Well we are all going to Lewis's on Saturday if you want to come. Ally will introduce you." Pierre said.

"And please be kind to her. She is one of my favorite people in the world. I get you have charm and shit but be good." Ally said.

"Okay. I will try." I said, and I think I will.


It is the day where I am going with the group to Lewis's house. Pierre and Ally are trying to set me up with one of their friends and I am told to be on my best behaviour. But we will see what happens. I drove with Carlos to the house and we walked up and rung the doorbell. It was opened by Ally and she welcomed us with smiles.

"CARLOS!! You are here!!" Ally says yelled at the boy. She hasn't seen him in months because of scheduling.

"Thank you boys for coming! Charles I will introduce you in a minute." She said to me. We walked over to the girl. She was talking with Lando and Daniel. When I looked at her all of the sudden I got a pit in my stomach. I was nervous. I don't get nervous only for driving. But I decided to push it down and ignore it.

"Genevieve meet Charles. Charles meet Genevieve." Ally finally introduced us.

"Hello." She said with the cutest voice. It was obvious she is shy to new people. But I have a feeling she is very outgoing once you break her shell.

"Hello." I said back to her.

"I have heard lots about you from my friends." Genevieve said.

"And I about you." I replied.

"Where are you from?" I asked her wanting to know more.

"My mom is actually from Monaco. But I was born in Madrid where my dad is from. We are family friends with well you know who." she said.

"Oh wow. I am from Monaco and I drive for Ferrari." I replied smiling.

"I know. It's obvious." She replied quite closed off for some reason.

"How long have you know Pierre?" she finally asked me after awkward silence.

"Quite some time, being the youngster stars for our teams it helped us bond quick." I said trying to be funny and cute. I gave her a wink.

"I apologize but not really. I have 3 best friends and 2 brothers who drive for F1. I myself have grown up loving the sport and as a matter of fact I do love Ferrari. I support Mercedes because I love their drivers and who the team is. But Leclerc your drives have been quite shit this season and sometimes you look like a buffoon not knowing where to go on the track. I sometimes believe I could do a thousand times better and believe that I am right. And now if you excuse me I am going to go talk to anyone else." She walked away not affected by my smile, not amazed at who I am. In fact she shitted on me as a driver. What just happened? I asked myself. This never happens.

"Pierre. What just happened? She didn't care that I drive for Ferrari. She completely shitted on my driving." I told him exactly what she told me.

"Maybe because her three guy best friends drive in F1 and she could give a rats ass about that you drive as well. And to be fair what she said is fucking true." Pierre replied to me, he really did humble me quite quick as well.

"Yeah thanks Pierre." I said to him.

"Don't let it wear you down. She has grown up with Formula One she knows what she is talking about. All three of those girls know the rules and opinions by heart. They grew up with Lando, Carlos, and Michael. Her fucking dad used to drive, of course she knows her shit. And she is just a rare girl who can't be affected by the famous Charles Leclerc charm."

"Yeah. And it drives me crazy. I need to know her."

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