Chapter 1

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"We always have the same fight Kathy! While Olivia has nothing to do with this!" Elliot yells at his wife who's accusing him for sleeping with his partner, again. "You know why?! Because you're screwing her!" Elliot slams his fists down on the table "stop! Kathy I'm not sleeping with Olivia!" Kathy turns her back on Elliot "yea and I have a pet unicorn" Elliot rolls his eyes "Believe what you want Kathy" he says and walks past her heading for the door "Where you going?" She asks "out" he answeres and walks out the door pulling his jacket on "you always run away!" She yells as he gets in the car, she slams the door shut and slides down to the floor.


Elliot comes to a stop at a bar, pretty close to Olivia's apartment.  He walks in and takes a seat at the bar "beer" he orders to the guy behind the bar placing his face in his hands not taking notice of the people around him. "Fuck off" he hears a familiar voice close to him he looks up to see Olivia frowning at the guy who's hitting on her.

A small smile plays Elliot's lips he moves up one space next to Olivia "bud get lost before I break your face" Elliot says to the guy, the guy steps back and walks away. Olivia turns with a small shy smile "hey" Elliot smiles back taking his beer from the bartender. "I thought you were on a date tonight?" Olivia nods "I was" she says softly.. "didn't exactly... work out"

Elliot cocks his head to the side "What do you mean?" Olivia laughs taking a sip of her drink "welll" she starts with a sigh "first of all he was late.. not 10 min but 40 min!" Elliot laughs to recieve a slap from Olivia "it's not funny.. and then to make it all worse I had to get on a bike with this dress" Olivia says referring to her very tight navy dress that ends in her mid thigh.

Elliot licks his lips looking at her long tanned legs "and guess what! He forgot his wallet" Elliot burst out laughing "What you do?" Olivia rubs her head "I told him to go screw himself and to get a life" Elliot laughs "I'm surprised it wasn't more insulting"

Olivia narrows her eyes at Elliot "What's that supposed to mean?" Elliot laughs shaking his head "nothing" Olivia shrugs and takes her glass bringing it up to her lips, she throws her head back downing all the liquid in the glass.

"Hey get me another one of these" Olivia says holding her glass out to the bartender. "Thanks" she says taking the glass from the bartender "get me another beer please" Elliot says holding up his half full bottle. "Why are you here?" Olivia asks turning to Elliot

Elliot sighs "welll" he says mocking Olivia's actions. Olivia narrows her eyes "Me and Kathy had a little fight" Olivia's eyebrows raised "little?" She says in disbelief "and that is why you're sitting here" Olivia ads sarcastically. Elliot shoves her lightly "funny"

...a few drinks later...

"Okay how about a little game" Olivia slurrs trying to keep her eyes open, Elliot laughs as the bartender sets down 4 shooter glasses in front of them filled with vodka. "I think we're gonna need some more" Olivia says "lets play truth or dare" Elliot slurrs and Olivia nods.

"Go first" Olivia slurrs again "okay truth or truth or dare" Elliot laughs "truth" Olivia answers "have you ever peed in a pool?" Elliot asks seriously. Olivia nods "I have... I have..." Elliot laughs "truth or dare El?"

Elliot thinks for a moment "truth" he answers "What were your first thoughts of me when you saw me?" She asks and takes a sip of her drink. "That you were gorgeous" Olivia smiles "you did?" Elliot nods slowly and drunkenly "yes I did, truth or dare?" He asks taking a sip from his beer "truth"

"What do you think you're biggest physical flaw is?" Olivia pulls a face at Elliot's question "welll.." she starts slowly "proberly my legs.. thighs" Olivia says slowly. Elliot looks at Olivia "Liv... you're perfect.. I can't believe there's actually something you don't like about yourself" Olivia laughs drunkenly "lesson a women will never be happy with the way she looks.. there will always be something, truth or dare?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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