"Whatever it takes.."

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You and sally would continue driving before she'd point out a bar, and a very nice looking truck

Sally: right there! That is perfect!

(Y/N): wow.. never thought you guys had human brands down here..

Sally: yeah, let's just say the old and new CEO's keep in touch, and it's very profitable.

Sally: yeah, let's just say the old and new CEO's keep in touch, and it's very profitable

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(Y/N): alright.. fuck let's do this.

Meanwhile back with moxxie and Blitzø

Blitzø: mox.. moxxie you there?

Moxxie: yes Blitzø I'm here, we're literally beside eachother

Blitzø: Moxxie I have an idea, were gonna piss 'em off so much they let us go!

Moxxie: sir just because you saw it happen in a kids show doesn't mean that's how things work

Blitzø: what choice so we have?

Moxxie: it pains me to say this.. but that's a good point sir..

Blitzø: so your gonna help me drive em fucking crazy?

Moxxie: yeah, screw it let's do it sir.

The interrogator would enter the room, being an imp like them

?: hello, I believe you two know something I need.. you know of (Y/N).. correct?

Blitzø: how the fuck can we not? He's killed so many of your men it's hilarious!

Moxxie: not to mention he knows your boss personally, and no offence but he sounds like a bitch.

Blitzø: god the things he's done.. he threw a guy out the back of a van!

Moxxie: and used a minigun to shred an entire team of em!

Blitzø: don't forget how (Y/N) dome'd the fucking target! God you guys are fucking awful!

The interrogator would look pissed off, clearly about to snap.

?: Shut the fuck up and just tell me where he is! It's not this fucking hard!

Moxxie: well sorry, but we don't know!

They'd both laugh, Blitzø wincing as the interrogator came over to him, kicking his Foot

Blitzø: Agh.. cheap shot assbird!

?: aw, someone got hurt?

He'd do it again

Moxxie: Your a fucking bitch you know that?!

Blitzø: W-wow, you even got moxxie to swear like a man! Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing!

He'd laugh, getting kicked in the knee causing Blitzø to recoil in pain, the chair he was tied to falling over causing more pain

Blitzø: Satan Fucking Damn it!!

Till death do us part.. (Male Reader X Loona)Where stories live. Discover now