Chapter thirteen

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I woke up and the first thing that happened was I had to race to the bathroom, barfing? Impossible! Maybe I was just getting sick. I started getting the flu because I was puking everyday and I just kept on getting headaches which caused me not to do much at all.

"Jeez, this flew seems really bad.. Maybe go to the doctors?" Sid asked and I nodded, "Yeah, I will call in today and set an appointment." I told him and he nodded and rubbed my back.

"Can you take Kassie out to the bus?" I asked Sid as he was getting ready, "Already on it." He said as he put his pants on and I laid down in the bed, he came over and kissed my cheek.

"I will be back soon." He said and walked out of the bedroom to get Kassie right after he was going to take Maryjane for a walk, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Sid's POV

Man, Nina sure did have the flu bad she would puke throughout the day and it a starting to scare me, I walked over to Kassies room which we had decorated pink and painted butterflies on it, Kassie was busy putting books into her bag.

"Ready to go kiddo?" I asked her and she turned around and nodded, "Today Griffen and I are learning how to count." She said and I smiled, "Soon you can teach the younger kids how to count." I told her and she smiled and grabbed her bag, we walked out, I looked into mine and Nina's room, she was sleeping.

I put a leash on Maryjane and helped Kassie with her Jacket and shoe laces then we all walked out and waited for Kassie's bus to arrive.

After Kassies bus came I took Maryjane for a walk.

Nina's POV

I woke up and looked at the clock, it was already ten I sat up and my head started pounding, I took some aspirin and picked my phone up I was tired of being sick, I called into a clinic.

"Hello?" A lady answered

"Hello, can I make an appointment." I said, "Yes, and who is the appointment for?" The lady asked.

"Nina Fehn." I replied

"Alright, would today be ok? We are booked this entire week." She said

"Yeah, today is fine." I said as I looked at the time again, "Alright come in at twelve." She said and I thanked her and hung up.

I took a shower and then started getting ready I ended up just putting on sweats and a random shirt again and was almost out of the room when I ran to the bathroom and barfed, stupid flu.

I whipped the barf off my face and and walked out of the room and down stairs, I really wasn't feeling good I hope Sid could drive me, while I was thinking about Sid I heard the door open and then close, Sid had come in from taking Maryjane for a walk.

"Hey, how you doing?" Sid asked walking to the couch and sitting down, I looked up at him and shook my head, "Feel like crap.. Going to the clinic soon." I told him

"Want me to drive you there?" He asked and I nodded, I seen Sid getting up and grabbed my hand and helped me up, when I got up I felt my stomach churn but I kept the barf down.

"It's ok sweetie, come on." Sid said helping me up and taking me to get my shoes on, my head hurt and my stomach felt weird again, we finally made it to the car and Sid started it, he backed out of the driveway and started driving to the clinic.

Throughout the entire ride I felt sick and just yucky, I hated this I hated being sick being sick sucked.

We came to the clinic and Sid helped me out of the car and we walked into the building and sat down, I laid my head on Sid's shoulder.

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