Season 9 Episode 9: Holy Terror

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* I woke up this morning after posting later in the day yesterday and discovered I hit 4000 views on this story. I see many new adds and votes  all the time lately. I have also been getting private messages re the characters too. I sincerely appreciate the attention to this story. I have another chapter completely set tk go after this one and have 3 more chapters to edit. Also wanted to mention if yoy have a love for SPN villains I have a completed works called Jaded where I created an OG Supernatural villain. I say completed, but I also have some stuff potentially coming for that character too. If you happen to be a Sons of Anarchy fan, I have 2 original characters I created there as well. Enough plugging, here's the bonus chapter.*

Robin had been staying with Jody for about two weeks when the call came in. She thought a little R and R was needed and headed back to Sioux Falls to check in on the good sheriff. Truth was Jody had been through some shit. Her blind date with Crowley a month ago had her looking down the barrel of death when she was coughing up blood on a ladies room floor. Jody was family, and Robin needed a little quality time, she figured it would do them both a world of good.

They'd ended up on a case together that wrapped up just a few days ago. Originally Robin thought that it had been angel killings and was prepared to call in the boys. It turned out to be a goddess who was killing members of a local chastity group who broke their celibacy vow. They were able to save all four vics without the need to call in the Winchesters. Jody had been stabbed in the shoulder in the process, but Robin had been able to heal her.

It had been a few days and she'd gotten a call from Cas. Cas knew that if he needed anything, he could call Robin and she'd be there in seconds. She hated this whole keeping him away from the bunker thing. Dean had filled her in that they had to save his ass recently when a Reaper came for him, but not before he gave up his V card to her. There had been a lot of virgins in the last little while, Robin was ready to walk away from that.

When Cas called, he wasn't in distress, rather he told her, "He needed his old partner on a case with him."

It had been a few years since Robin and Cas had worked a case just the two of them, but she was always there for a friend. She put on her charcoal grey pant suit and grabbed her credentials before teleporting to his location. He'd left his bag with her charm bracelet in the nearby wooded area to give her cover. When she emerged from the trees Cas greeted her with a smile, a rare occurrence from the monotoned angel. "I feel like I should give you a hug" he said to her quietly. "I've missed you, my friend."

She gave him a friendly grin, "Well let's keep it professional feathers. We're FBI, right?"

"Right" he nodded in agreement. She followed him to a roadhouse bar with a cowboy on the logo. Several of the windows had been blown out and as they headed in, she could quickly spot where the bodies had been based on the ashy remains.

"Angels" she whispered?

"Yes" he replied grimly.

A local cop approached them. "Ah Officer Wheeler" he greeted.

"Agent Bieber" He nodded. "We spoke with the witness, a kid on his paper route."

"Did he see anything" Robin asked?

"Officer, this is my partner" Castiel introduced, "Agent Swift."

Robin clenched her jaw, but improv 101, always say yes. "How ya doing" she nodded begrudgingly?

"Agent Swift" the officer nodded. "He didn't see much. Said he heard a commotion, breaking glass, and a lot of banging. Then it all went quiet, and a white bus drove away."

"Any plate numbers, distinguishing marks" Robin asked?

"He said musical notes were on the bus" the Officer shrugged.

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