Daddy and the Squirrel

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Daddy's coming home today, I think as I wake up. Looking outside daddy and i's tent I can see that the sun is nearly in the middle of the sky meaning that it is before midday. Daddy taught me that.

I get out of my tent and walk over towards Carl and Sophia "what are we playin' today?" I ask walking up to them.

The start to walk off and I follow into the woods. "Were going to play in the mud" they say looking at me "want to come with?" Sophia asks.

"Yeah" I say walking next to her. She takes my hand "mama, Megs coming with us" Sophia shouts to her mother who nods in agreement "look after her she's a lot younger" She shouts back before we are off.

We play for around 20-30 minutes until we hear something rustling in the bushes. We all look to each other before walking towards the sound, once we get to the clearing we see a monster eating a deer with - DADDY'S arrows in it.

Sophia and Carl begin screaming and running back.

I don't scream until I can see daddy or another adult I know so that they can help me as screaming will attack more monsters.

Once I see Dale running towards me I run up to his legs and hug them. "It's okay darling, Rick and Shane will help now" he said looking at me and walking towards Rick who is now chopping the monster up.

There is more rustling coming from more bushes and all the men aim their weapons on the bush before daddy comes out.

"Daddy!" I shout running towards him. He drops his crossbow and picks me up.

"Ello, little one ye been good?" he asks kissing my cheek before placing me back on the ground.

"The best" I say smiling up at him and walking next to him.

"Son of a bitch" daddy says looking towards the monster and the deer that has been eaten and walking towards it.

"That's ma deer, look at it all gnawed on by this... filthy, disease-bearing, motherless poxy bastard!" Daddy says kicking the monster.

Dale steps in "Calm down son, don't need to say that around young children" he says pointing to me.

Daddy turns to look at me and I pull the biggest smile I can from ear to ear. He just smiles and winks at me before walking towards Dale.

"What do you know about it old man, why don't you take that stupid hat and go back to old golden pond" daddy says collecting his arrows "Tracken this thing for miles, gonna cook us up some venison, you like venison little one" he says look to me.

"Love it daddy" I say jumping.

"Wha' bout cutin' round this chewed up part right er'" he says indicating to the bitten area.

"Wouldn't risk that" Shane mumbles. "Damn Shame, got some squirrel though, bout a dozen or so, so that'll a' to do" daddy says ruffling the string on his shoulder.

"Ohh, can I hold the squirrel?" I ask looking and walking towards daddy

"Why of course little one he says placing the sting on my shoulder" and kissing my forehead.

The walker head by my feet then began to snap its jaw. Daddy says this and pulled my arm away from it.

"Come on people, don't ye know nothin?" Daddy says shooting an arrow into the eye ball.

"Has to be the brain" I say taking daddy's hand as he grabs the arrow and walking back to camp.

"Daddy" I say looking down and sniffing "what's de matter Meg, hey why ye sad" he says crouching to me level.

"I miss Merle" I say as ma lip wobbles. "Come on we'll talk bout dis in a second" daddy says continuing to walk. I grab the squirrels and drag them across the ground.

The sting is too long for my height so the squirrels are being dragged across the floor.

"I got it little one, here you hold ma arrow. You know the rules don't ya baby?" daddy says handing me an arrow.

"Yep, Never hold the sharp end only the feathers" I say holding the non-sharp end.

"That's ma girl" he says stroking my hair before making it into camp.

"Merle, MERLE get ye ass out here, got us some squirrel, lets stew em' up" daddy says placing his crossbow down.

"Daddy Merle isn't here. The police man left em' in Atlanta" I say looking at daddy.


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