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"You look a mess son" my father says walking into my office and I hiss my teeth at the sound of his voice.

"The fuck yah do yah?" I asked not looking up from my laptop as I was currently monitoring one of my overseas business trying to distract myself from the fuckry my life is now.

From the day Ty tell me she wasn't ready for us to be together I've been using everything fi distract my self, from sex to killing to my businesses.

"You're spiralling" he says stating the fucking obvious, "You need a better distraction" he adds and my anger flares.

"Mi nuh need nuh fucking distraction, wah mi need is for you to start explaining why yuh deh yah all of a sudden or yuh can get the fuck outta mi house bredda" I yell finally looking up at him.

"I'm here to protect my sons" he says but thats what he's been saying over and over since he reappeared and while that may be enough for Omar and Odaine to welcome him back with open arms, it wasn't enough for me.

"Badman mi nuh inna the fuckry right now" I tell him finishing my drink and he takes a seat in the chair in front of my desk taking the Hennessy bottle from me.

"Fine but mi ago need yuh sober fi wah mi about fi tell yuh" he says and I put the laptop aside ready for him to finally start talking.

"Let's start with what happened that day" he starts and I furrow my brows, why the hell we ago back to 8 years ago?

"You were 16 at the time and just started learning the ropes, that night you came with us to Mobay really and truly you weren't suppose to be there but I got told by a long time friend of mine that one a di man dem did a plan fi betray me and if that was so mi would a need somebody there fi back me up..."

"Yes, I knew you were only 16 but you were very promising and the only person besides your brothers who I truly trusted, mi would a bring them too but Odaine never focus and Omar was only 13..."

"I spent the whole day trying to find out who was going to betray me so I could kill them first but in the midst of doing all that mi find out something very vital. The man you have locked up at the tunnels, Mendez as you call him but Ajit to me, was the long time friend who told me about the betrayal and the man who was set to betray me was Marshall, my right hand at the time" he explains but I stop him to clarify something.

"Suh if Mendez or Ajit as yuh call him a yuh long time friend, why yuh did a plan fi kill him before you disappeared?" I asked and he holds up his hand telling me to wait a bit.

"Mi soon reach deh suh" he says continuing his explanation, "In light of weh mi did find out I used that as the bargaining chip for Ajit to reveal to me which one a the man dem reach out to him for help to kill me"

"Weh yuh find out?" I asked curious to know what it could be.

"Asa isn't for Marshall, she's Ajit's daughter but Tanisha didn't want the father of her child to be a ruthless cartel member so she lied.." he reveals and I slump back in my chair at this new information.

"She told them both she was pregnant but she lied about how much weeks she was fi make it look like a Marshall baby. Ajit never did a work wid that still cause if the baby a did his then it would be his first heir suh him suggest a DNA test..."

"Them get the DNA test done but some how she forged the results fi make it look like Marshall's and Ajit didn't take lightly to the news cause regardless she fuck pan him, suh him tell them fi run or he would kill them both..." 

"A suh them end up a Kingston, this is the part yuh grandmother twisted a bit when it came to the truth..." he says and I sit up folding my arms.

"Of course I told Ajit this in exchange for the name of the man trying to betray me and what are the odds it leads right back to him"

"Asa?" I asked stopping him a bit confused on that part cause it's the first I'm hearing that name.

"That's the name Ajit always said he would name his first child, its a gender neutral name which means healer so it works whether the baby was a boy or girl" he elaborates and I nod understanding everything he's said up until this point.

"Anyways, suh in light of knowing seh Marshall did a try take mi 3 points I turned to Nas. They were both trying to get out the life but unlike Marshall Nas's reason for wanting out was so he could be wid him woman and children..."

"You and me know this isn't a easy life to get out of and leaving equals you having to do something incriminating enough that even when out if you snitch we can use it against yuh"

I nod already knowing that.

"So I took Nas upon his offer to let him out but the only way I would was if he killed the man who was going to betray me and without even knowing who it was he agreed because he was that eager fi leave the life..." he says with a smile playing on his lips and I shake my head.

"Now call it what you want but in my eyes everybody would win, well everybody besides Marshall"

"Suh Nas a really the one weh kill Marshall?" I asked him and he nods. 

All a this surprising yuh fuck and to how the man deal wid Ty you would a never guess a him but as them say keep yuh friends close and yuh enemies closer, this make it worse mi nuh want har round them nuh more.

"And wah happened to Mendez?" I asked cause that was the only part in his story weh nuh come full circle yet.

"Mendez was satisfied that night knowing the fact that the man weh take weh him only child was dead. The rift between me and Mendez a nuh nothing fi you worry bout, mi will handle that" he tells me but I just had to ask

"Yuh nah go kill him don't?"

"Nah, while mi did gone mi reflect pan some thing and weh we did a war ova wasn't anything serious" he says and I nod.

All a weh him just seh a make mi head spin and it doesn't help seh mi woman mixed up in the middle of this. 

The dots were definitely starting to connect, recalling the times when I was torturing Mendez all he would say is he just wanted to see his daughter at least once before mi kill him and mi never know a who the fuck him a talk or even too care.

Now that I do, mi nuh think mi can even go through wid it nuh more unless Ty says otherwise.

Besides it just occurred to me that I was focusing on the wrong set of enemies this whole time and to think these people have been right under my nose and mi deven did a take notice.

Nothing more than Nas a use him son fi get close to me suh him can kill me once and for all so he could be free of the fact that the one living person out deh weh know weh him truly do ago dead soon. 

Unbeknownst to him though, my father has returned and was out for blood.

"One more thing nah add up tho" I say and he looks over to me, "Demarco? Who him a work fah?" I asked and he thinks for a minute.

"Ah, yuh mean Ajit's son?" he asks and my eyes widen, "Weh yah say to me?" I asks and he nods.

"Nothing more than him know yuh have him father suh him a try get him back, speaking of Ajit mi need fi talk to him" he says and I reach for my phone sending Andre a text given he was the one watching guard tonight at the tunnel.

"Dre ago bring him here" I let him know falling into a comfortable silence as I process all of what he just told me.

All I could think about was how mi ago break all a this to Ty when the time come because she was my main priority whether we were together or not.

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