5 ~ Thomas Has A Pair? ~ 5

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Yesterday's... events seemed glued to the forefront of my mind, incessant; never ceasing. Everything in my body ached for it to happen again, but everything in my mind told me to ignore it. To stop thinking about him like that. I desperately needed to distract myself. So I went to the only source I could think of:


It was his day, after all. I needed to make sure he was going to do it. That was definitely the reason.

Gally was showering, the perfect time to leave. Thomas' room was quite far away from mine. It was much closer to the entrance of the orphanage, nearly on the opposite side of the building. I knew he had the same break time as me and Gally today, and I intended to pester him through it.

I knocked on the door, praying that I wasn't ruining a moment. The boy who answered wasn't who I was looking for, but was pretty close.

Newt's eyebrows furrowed and his face scrunched into his signature frown, "Minho? What's up?"

"Is Thomas in there?" From Newt's reaction to my arrival, I assumed that I hadn't interrupted anything.

I watched his cheeks flush pink, "Uhm, no, sorry. Tommy went to the bathroom. Did you need something?" He leaned into the doorway trimming in such a way that made me compare him to what I assumed mothers would be like.

I chuckled, "Just wanted to annoy him. You know, the usual."

Newt giggled in response, "Good that. So... how's it goin' with Gally? I heard you guys have been arguing a bit."

I rolled my eyes; how fast things travel around here. "Uhm. Yeah. We're fine? I don't know. It's hard to explain."

He nodded, understanding, "Yeah, I get it. He seems confusing, to be completely honest... You guys'll figure it out." He gave me that Newt-smile that made me feel that maybe I actually would figure it out.

"Okay ... Well, to the bathroom I go, then!"

Newt giggled again as I walked away in the general direction of the boy's bathroom. The Newtmas ™️ room was also really close to the Cafeteria, which meant they were close to the Cafeteria bathrooms. I would check there first, since Newt didn't suggest Thomas was taking a shower. The place was huge, yet it only took me one left turn to get to where I needed to go.

I calculated my master plan: I had an hour before lunch for the part A of my break, and an hour after for part B. Thomas and Newt were, fortunately for my lucky ass, on the same schedule that day. The break (part A) just started, and would give me and hour to rant an unhelpful and very bestfriend-like pep talk to Thomas. What that pep talk would consist of, I had no idea. But I was pretty good at pulling shit outta my ass.

Bursting through the bathroom door, I did the only reasonable thing to do; scream Thomas' name at the top of my lungs, "Thomas!"

The boy in question visibly jumped from his place in front of a urinal. The laughter that erupted from my mouth then and there could only be described as demonic.

"Minho," Thomas complained, emphasizing the first syllable. He finished and washed his hands without drying them. Shit. "Why the hell would you do that?" It was at that moment I knew what was coming.

My lips slowly turned in on themselves as I tried to hold back my laughter. The urge to flee was overwhelming, but I could handle it. Or so I thought.

But being flicked in the face with freshly washed hands isn't the best experience one could go through. (... blue__46 )

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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