Chapter 27: The Secret Comes Out

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Oh shit. Oh shit. I jumped out of Cheeku's arms and started hyperventilating. This was absolutely not how I was supposed to come out with the news of us dating. Not when they all thought that I was a guy.

We were whisked off the field by our manager and when we reached the dressing room both of us were being stared down by all the support staff and coaches. Being gay in India was actually against the law even after several protests by the LGBT family.

"Explain yourselves." Coach growled out as he threw daggers at us with his eyes.

Virat held my hand and it instantly calmed me down. I looked at him and he nodded slightly to show that he was with me no matter what. I was grateful for that and took a deep breath before I made my next announcement.

"I'm a girl." That's when all hell broke lose and everyone, I mean everyone started firing questions at me from all sides.

"Shut up!!" Rohit screamed from the doorway. He along with the rest of the team walked in and stood beside us as if to show solidarity.

"Let her explain." Raina said calmly.

I started telling everyone the story about me which I had maybe repeated uncountable times. Frankly it was tiring and I had the speech memorised. When I was done everyone looked at me with their mouth hung open.

"So that's why you never let me help out with your sore muscles." Our masseuse exclaimed from somewhere in the crowd and I rolled my eyes at the déjà vû feeling of being questioned similarly before I nodded.

"Wait, did you get a sex change operation done or you were born a girl?" Someone blurted out and I felt my eyes turn to the size of saucers. I heard someone giggling from beside me and turned towards Jaddu to smack him before the whole team joined in. I glared at all of them and they tried controlling their laughter and failed miserably. I just decided to ignore them.

"I was born a girl. I was always a girl. What part of the lose shirts and haircut did you not get?!" I all but growled out at the crowd.

"That means Virat is not gay and neither are you." Someone else stated dumbly. I just facepalmed this time and didn't even bother replying.

"Well now that you have created this mess you will be the one getting us out of it. Go answer the press. They have been breathing down my neck waiting to talk to you." Coach ordered me and I knew he was far from okay with me lying to him but that was a problem I left for another day.

I felt myself break into sweat as I thought about going infront of those sharks. Yes, they could be pretty heartless and tear you apart when they wanted to.

"We are all with you Elizabeth." Rohit said as he kept a comforting hand on my shoulder as all the others nodded. I just smiled meekly and started walking out with all of them right behind me.

After I had explained my story to the press again I sat silently waiting to be adressed more silly questions.

"How can we believe you? How do we know that you are a girl and not a guy just running away from punishment?" A guy spoke up from the front row.

I felt stumped. I had no means of showing them that I was a girl. After all I had cut all my hair.

"Well we can't really ask her to remove her clothes now can we?!" A girl from the back spoke up trying to defend me but it just ticked of Virat.

"She is NOT removing her clothes infront of any of you." He yelled at everyone with a glare daring anyone to challenge his decision.

I held his hand and he looked at me and lost the glare though his body was still tense.

That's when it clicked me that dad had only a daughter.

"Well you guys can google it. I'm Elizabeth Ganguly. Daughter of Saurav Ganguly. I can show you proof of that and as everyone knows he just has a girl." I spoke with pride as I adressed my dad.

That however started another round of questions which I answered politely but I was nearing the end of my patience and had it not been for Virat sitting beside me I might have murdered a few of them or atleast slapped them really really hard so that they break their necks and die. Oh god this day was turning me into a murderer.

They moved on to Virat pretty soon to congratulate him about his winning knock and asked him questions about our campaign. I felt giddy thinking about the win but it felt like a long time ago. I couldn't believe that so much had happened in a single day.

After that was finally over me and Virat were back in my hotel room not even bothering to celebrate with the others as the whole incident had taken a toll on us.

"Well that was something." I commented but apparently he was not in the mood to talk as he just crashed his lips on mine.

"I'm just glad we don't have to hide anymore and we can go exclusive." He spoke with a cheeky smile when we pulled back to breathe and I smiled back relieved.

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