Halloween, 1981

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Y/n and Remus had dropped their twins off at Remus' parents house, Lyall and Hope. They had to help James and Lilly with some things around the house but it was very late at night, and they didn't want Esme and Owen to be up so late. They dropped the twins off and bid Remus' parents a quick goodbye before apperating to Godrics Hallow. Y/n and Remus made there way to the Potter residence from where they had Apperated to.

The couple was soon outside of the Potters house, they were walking down the cobble stone path that lead to their front door before a bright green light shone through the upstairs window of the house. "What was that?!" Remus anxiously asked. Y/n and Remus started to run to the front door, they quickly opened the door to the house, which was weird because they house was alway locked. Y/n and Remus barged In and looked throughout all of the downstairs for James and Lilly, to check if they were okay.

When neither of them were downstairs they made there way upstairs, the carpeted stairs beneath y/n's feet felt like the were sinking she she saw James body lying there at the top of the staircase. "OH MY GOD!" Y/n let out a horrid scream of terror when she saw that her friend was dead, right In front of her. Tears were streaming down both Y/n and Remus face. Y/n ran over to James' body and tried to shake him awake, but it was no use. Y/n started to let out horrible sobs as Remus and Her were kneeling beside him.

A minuet later they heard a baby cry, it was Harry. Y/n mustered up the strength to go and check on Harry. When y/n walked into the nursery room, the same feeling she had for James death came back when she saw Lilly lying on the floor too. Y/n sobbed loudly again and knelt down next to Lilly all sounds of Harry's cry's were drowned out by silence. Y/n didn't know what to think, her brain just melted and she cried.

Y/n got off the floor and went over to Harry's crib, he was crying very loudly. Y/n
Picked him up, a fresh lightning bolt snapped scar had appeared on the left side of his forehead. "Oh Harry, I'm so sorry." Y/n said through tears. She walked out of the room to Remus, she tried not look look at Lilly's emotionless face and body.

Y/n heard a loud roar of a motorcycle and then the opening of a door, her and Remus pulled out there wands and walked down the stairs, trying to to make a sound. She rounded a corner to see Sirius and Hagrid. Y/n bursted out in tears when she saw Sirius, his face looked distraught and shocked. "What will happen to Harry?" Y/n said in a tone full of sorrow. "Harry will have to go to Lilly's sisters house, seeming as though there his only blood relatives left." Hagrid sadly said. "But Lilly's sister is horrible." Y/n argued. "I'm sorry Y/n, it's the only way." Y/n reluctantly handed baby Harry to Hagrid and he soon left on Sirius' motorcycle. Y/n found herself in Remus' arms, they were both sobbing uncontrollably before they apperated out of the house.

They arrived back at Mr and Mrs Lupins household I'm shock. What the Fuck just happened.

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