Monday Party

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Once again just wanna say in advance I am sorry for any spelling errors I'm tryin guys...

RING RING-my alarm clock blared from the far corner of my dim room, I have to put it as far away from me so I don't snooze it.

I groaned as I rolled off my amazingly comfortable, cozy, and did I say comfortable, bed. I plopped on the floor with a loud bang waking me up more, I sit up and rub my eyed frantically trying to clear my dazed vision.

As I began to come to I lifted myself off the ground using the frame of my STILL COMFORTABLE BED.

I shuffle drowsily into the bathroom so I can shower and get ready.

About thirty minutes later I wonder back into my room wrapped in a Mickey Mouse towel to choose my lovely clothing for the day, thats actually the only thing Im proud of...

MY AMAZING STYLE, well it might not be amazing but its mine so whatevaaaa.. 

I shuffle through my already messy closet and pull out a long sleeved off the shoulder black crop-top. Next I pulled out some short white overaralls and a black belt. I finalized the outfit with my favorite black military styled boots and throw my hair into a ponytail.

I slowley tread down the stairs careful not to wake my parents up, my backpack hanging off my shoulder just as I approach the bottom step I hear a knock at the front door.

I set my backpack down on the couch and slowly jog to the door already knowing who it was, as I swung the tall wooden door open a very eager Trevor ran in sliding his hand under my arms lifting me up.

"What th-" I was cut short by Trevor, "Our first game is this week" he all but yelled.

"Shhhh, everyone is sleeping, lets go" I whisper yelled signilling him to put me down, I hated when he picked me up like this.

Getting the hint Trevor dropped me suddenly causing me to trip over my own boot, but quickley regaining balance.

  I quietly jog and grab my bag off of the sofa. "Alright! let's go Tee" I said slapping his back pushing him out of my house I strolled behind him locking the house on my way out.

"Sooooo" Trevor began turning down the radio, I looked at him observing his concentration on the road. Trevor is actually a really good driver he doesn't speed and he reads all the traffic signs. "Are you gonna come to the football game this friday?" He tapped his finger on the stearing wheel eagerly.

"Of course I'm not gonna miss your very first game" I turned to look out the window as we pulled into the schools parking lot, hitting the speed bumps slowly.

— —

Trevor and I had gone our separate ways and I was now digging in my locker looking for my US
History book. "Shoot, Shoot, Shoot." I slam my hand against the cold locker door crouching down to look in the bottom of the locker.

"Hey Bex" I hear an unfamiliar voice above me, "Ahh" I jumped at the unexpected greeting.
Slowly I look up curious as to who was disrupting my search party for my poor US History book. Ryan Stamel? "Ummm yes?" I asked subconsciously scratching the back of my head in confusion.

"WOW you don't seem happy to see me" he smirked now leaning against my open locker door with crossed arms. "Well I don't really know you dude, I'm also looking for something so if you could excuse me." I scoffed already aggravated.

"Finally!" I pushed some trash off of my big red US History book raising it to thank the school gods. "Ahem" The same voice from before chimmed in, I froze remembering that I wasnt alone, O M G do you think he saw that whole thing surely not, no, nah, Im good.

"Your a little dramatic aren't you" he laughed at his own statement still staring at me crouching on the floor hugging my textbook, I probably looked like Gollum from The Hobbit.

I rolled my eyes at his snarky remark, I was about to stand up when he held out his nicely tanned arm. Huh this is unexpected.... I cautiously reach up to grab his hand starting to stand up so he didnt have to hold my whole weight.

"Sike" Just as I was about to grab his hand he pulled back quickly re-crossing his arm. Causing me to fall right back onto the cold tiled school floor.

I scoff and stood up brushing off my shorts, why does this give me deja vu?!?!?! "So what did you want?" I growled giving the tall boy the meanest look I muster. Now that I think about it I probably looked about as mean as a kitten...

"Oh I literally had nothing I was just bored and saw my adorable Bex and was like I just HAVE to talk to her" He said spacing out his words and making a girl voice, or should i say TRYING to make a girl voice cause it sounded more like a demon in a way.


The school bell filled the hallway as students from all sides began to fill and crowd the hallway, Saved by the bell... Once again, huh, maybe I do have more than one friend, no, no, nevermind that sounds really sad.

I rushed off history book in hand to my favorite class historyyyyy, cue the jazz hands. I really didn't mind history, mostly because I had it with Trevor but also because the teacher didn't care what we did It was kind of like a sleep period for me.

I enter the loud classroom just as the tardy bell rang I smirk with pride as I made my way to mine and Trevors desk. "Just in time ay?" he said in an awful accent, I pull out the chair next to him ready to get my nap on when I hear the words no unprepared student ever wants to hear.

"Who's ready for a pooopppp quiiizzzzz" Mrs. Hamour says excitedly waving around a stack of papers. Trevor and I look at each other in pure shock and horror, my eyes frantically search the
room hoping to see that everyone was just as scared as us. But no, WHY WAS NO ONE WORRIED?!?!!?!?!?

I quickly rose my hand, leaning over and holding my stomach with my other hand. "Yes Bexley?" Hamour said in a tired tone as if she already knew what was about to come out of my mouth.

"Im not feeling to well I think Im gonna-" I cut myself short so I could gag, fake of course but I think it looked pretty real...

"OH dear" she said eyes now wide with concern and disgust "Ok Ok go to the nurse and please do not come back until you know your not gonna vomit." she said cringing at the word vomit.

Everyone knew Mrs. Hamour HATED vomit, I heard that once a freshman vomited in her class once and that's why she switched to US History, which if you didnt know is a junior class.

Trevor looked at me with wide eyes practically pleading with me I knew I couldn't leave him there to fail this quiz.

"Um can Trevor take me, Im not sure if I can wal-" cue the fake gag. "Yes yes whatever just both of yall leave now, and take your bags just in case" she waved her hand dismissing us trying to avoid eye contact.

"Yes mam" I said trying to hide my smile, as we walked out of the classroom I leaned against Trevor just to make it a littttllleee more believable.

"Do I deserve an Oscar or what" I said once we were in the clear. "You do, and I owe you big time" he said High-fiving me."What are best friends for" I laughed following on side of him to his locker, I mean what did yall think, that we would actually go to the nurse??

"Soooo there is a party tonight" Trevor hinted, once at his locker. He fiddled with the lock trying to remember his combo you would think after months of school he would have it branded in his brain...

"A monday night?!?" I questioned not being able to stop my mouth from falling, who throws party's on Mondays?!?!?! "Yes on a monday night, and your going, you skipped the last party and promised that you would go to the very next one"

"Yeah you should totally come" a horribly familiar voice chimed in.... Ryan

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