-43- Mi Amore

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"Rose?" She's awake

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"Rose?" She's awake. She's awake.
She's in the medical wing bed and she's sitting up and awake.

"Rose?" She's confused. A lost expression all over her face. Shit.
"Mi Amore."
"Mi a-what?"

Mi a-what?
One of the first things she ever said to me.
"Doesn't matter you're okay." I go to embrace her in a tight hug but instead her fist meets my face, hard and I'm knocked back. Huh?
"What the fuck!?" She yells hopping up standing on the opposite side of the bed to put some distance between us.

Her memory is all fucked. Mother fucker.
"I'm Ace Darling. Do you remember?"
"Ace? Uhm I don't know an Ace... sorry."
She looks down like she expects me to be disappointed. I make my way slowly around the bed, hook my finger under her chin and lift it so she faces me.
"Don't worry about it love. You're safe now."

"Um, sir." I whip my head to the door where Mari is standing.
"I uh I know you said to fuck off but umm...
Rose is at the door."


"Mari are you thick or something!? She's right here." I gesture to the girl besides me.
"See for yourself." He moves aside to let me through the doorway.

"Fucks sake. Stay with her." I point to the lost looking Rose sitting in the medical bed as I make my way up the stairs towards the doorway. Poor thing.

I swear if this asshole is wasting my time-
"Ace." Rose runs towards me and embraces

What? How can this be?

Behind her my eyes find the not so friendly red head, Harold. HAROLD!?
He should be dead. AND downstairs.

Gently moving Rose to the side I take large heavy strides and approach him grabbing him by the collar.
"How the fuck! Are you still breathing?! I'm going to kill you."

"I- I didn't k-know where e-else to go" He stutters pathetically.

"ACE DON'T! HE HELPED ME! HE SAVED MY LIFE!" She tries to pull my arm and get me away from him.
I turn my eyes and meet her's.
Fuck she's so beautiful.

"Hey? Are you ok? I'm back ok, I thought you'd be happy..." she's upset.
"Uh yeah, happy. I'll... be back.YOU..." I point at Harold. "...I will deal with later! Stay here."
I leave them in the the front foyer and rush back down the hall to Rose number 2.

"What's happening. What the Fuck. Who the FUCK are you?"
"I'm J- wait.. who are you. Ace right?"
She's more lively now, Mari must have given her something to wake her up.

"Yes. Ace Theodore Romano. And you are?"
"Romano.....? Ohh, you're him?" She's lost in thought for a minute.
"Micheal really really wants your head."


"You're with Micheal? Hilarious. He would never rely on someone so fragile. Let alone a female. Now, I'm going to ask once more and keep in mind I don't like repeating myself. Who are you?"
"Why should I tell you?" She retorts.

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