A Rose by Any Other Name

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Caroline's PoV

It is still early in the morning when I hear someone knocking at my door. The sun hasn't even risen beyond the horizon yet and I am busy preparing breakfast. After a busy week of working on rebuilding our town and navigating some people, it is saturday again. I am already looking forward to the dance tonight. But I certainly wasn't expecting someone to want something from me before I even had time for breakfast.

I open the door with a yawn and in front of me stands crown prince Niklaus Mikaelson. "What do you want, Klaus?"

"Good morning to you too, love." he says, nodding his head slightly in greeting.

I rub my eyes. "Is something wrong? Did someone die?"

"No, nothing's wrong. I just have one question for you." he assures me.

I nod. "What is it?"

"May I have the midnight waltz with you?"

My tiredness vanishes and makes place for surprise. For a moment, I simply stare at him with incredule. When I finally find something to say, my voice reflects my emotions.

"The midnight waltz? As in, the dance that will take place in, like, 17 hours from now??"

"Exactly." Niklaus confirms with a nod.

I stare at him, processing the news. A slight chuckle escapes my throat. I half-heartedly try to cover it up with a smile.

An entirely unnecessary attempt, as it turns out, because next, I giggle

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An entirely unnecessary attempt, as it turns out, because next, I giggle. I do think that maybe I shouldn't, based on the serious expression on his face, but I just can't help myself. My giggle turns into laughter. It goes so far that I find myself physically unable to stop. This is just too good. Practical, completely over the top and romantic all at the same time.

When my laughter dies out, Klaus folds his arms in front of his chest. "If you're quite done making fun of me, I'd like to hear your answer now."

"Sure, just one question: why didn't you just wait with the asking until the party? Like, you know, literally everyone else." I ask, curiosity bubbling inside me.

He purses his lips and unfolds his arms, letting them rest behind his back instead. "Last saturday, when I wanted to ask for the midnight waltz, someone else beat me to it. I was not going to let that happen again."

"Wow. Okay." I exhale deeply and chuckle again, "You're pretty determined, aren't you?!"

Not saying another word, the dirty blonde prince raises one eyebrow, his blue eyes silently urging her to finally give him an answer.

Seeing him like this, I finally become serious again too. "This is really important to you, isn't it?"

"Yes." he replies, "Yes, it is. In fact, if it's possible, I'd like to ask you to reserve the midnight waltz for me not just tonight, but every saturday night coming."

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