Chapter 9

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  Although the yard is not big, for a Chu Xiaoyun who can be said to have never done farm work, the progress is not very fast. When the moon was hanging over the treetops, the ground in the yard had only turned a third. If he is not tired, he can persist for a while. But when he saw Su Wen who was squatting beside him to help him pull weeds, he felt that he couldn't do it anymore.

With Su Wen's small body, he looks very weak, not to mention that he has been soaking in the well for so long today, and after walking back from the gate of hell, he should rest more. Ask him to go back first, but he refuses, so he has no choice but to quit.

Chu Xiaoyun touched the gauze on his head, he also came back from the gate of hell today. Even if you are poor and white now, you are not in a hurry for this moment. Forget it, go to bed early, it can be regarded as a reward for yourself.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiaoyun stopped: "Then, Su Wen, don't pull it out. Let's do it tomorrow, let's rest early, it's getting late." Chu Xiaoyun didn't know how to

call Su Wen better. It's quite a mouthful, so that it's a little embarrassing every time I call someone.

Su Wen was also very obedient. Hearing that the two of them quit, he threw the last handful of grass in his hand back to the middle of the yard, stood up, and walked out with Chu Xiaoyun.

On the left side of the flat land in the middle of the yard near the courtyard wall is a vertical well. Chu Xiaoyun twisted the bucket to fetch a bucket of water from the well, cleaned the wooden basin on the side, and poured half a basin of clean water into it.

"Well, Su Wen, come here and wash your hands." Chu Xiaoyun poured water and shouted.

Su Wen came over and stood in front of Chu Xiaoyun, but he didn't do anything else. Chu Xiaoyun was puzzled, and pointed to the wooden basin: "Wash your hands, go to bed early."

Su Wen looked at Chu Xiaoyun: "Why do you always add 'that' before my name? I don't call that Su Wen."

Chu Xiaoyun Scratching his head, he didn't know how to answer for a while.

Su Wen didn't seem to need him to answer, so he bent down to wash his hands after speaking. After washing his hands, he sat on the bench under the eaves. The small figure melted into the darkness.

After Su Wen left, Chu Xiaoyun washed his hands with the water left over from Su Wen's washing. After washing his hands, he poured the water in the basin onto the floor in the corner. He didn't notice that Su Wen was still under the eaves, and went straight to the kitchen.

Seeing Su Wen, he followed to the kitchen.

Hearing the movement behind him, Chu Xiaoyun, who had a bowl of concoction, turned around and saw that Su Wen had followed him to the kitchen. He thought twice before saying, "Su Wen, why don't you go to rest?" Su Wen looked at Chu

Xiao The black thing in the cloud bowl took a deep breath: "Are you drinking medicine? What's the matter?"

Then he looked at the gauze wrapped around Chu Xiaoyun's head: "What's wrong with your head?"

Chu Xiaoyun stroked his head : "I drank too much last night, and accidentally knocked it down."

Then he shook the bowl: "The medicine prescribed by the doctor is for treating head injuries."

Su Wen wanted to reach out to touch it, but retracted it: "Does it still hurt?"

Chu Xiaoyun said, "It's been gone for a long time." No wonder.

After speaking, Chu Xiaoyun urged Su Wen to go back to his room to sleep. He hadn't showered after getting up from the well. Firstly, he carried Su Wen all the way back and almost did everything; secondly, he was so busy taking care of Su Wen that he completely forgot to change his clothes. After digging the ground for so long in the afternoon, I was sweating all over, and I had to wash it anyway.

Su Wen could probably feel that Chu Xiaoyun was going to take a bath, but he didn't want to go back to the dark room alone, with his feet moving in place.

Only then did Chu Xiaoyun remember that this was ancient times and there was no electricity, so he hurried back to the yard, lit the oil lamp that Wang Sanqiang had brought during the day, and handed it to Su Wen.

With the oil lamp, Su Wen obediently returned to the room this time.

After waiting for Su Wen to return to his room, Chu Xiaoyun collected a piece of clothes from the bamboo pole under the eaves and brought them to the well, got up with a bucket of water and began to take off his clothes, and then poured them down from his shoulders with a splash. So poured three buckets of water, that's about it. Chu Xiaoyun shook off the water droplets on his body, changed into the original owner's clean clothes, and moved the clothes that Su Wen had changed earlier and the big wooden basin where the clothes were placed from under the eaves on the side of the bedroom to the well, and then put the clothes that he had changed into. A suit of clothes was also thrown in.

There is half a saponin in the big tub, and it can be washed several times. After Chu Xiaoyun washed his clothes, he looked up at the sky. The sky is full of stars, so it shouldn't rain. He wiped clean a bamboo pole on a tree in the yard with his hands, and directly hung the clothes in the middle of the yard to prevent the water from splashing all over the eaves.

Back in the room, I found that Su Wen hadn't slept yet. Chu Xiaoyun asked strangely: "Why aren't you sleeping?"

It was only when he asked this that he realized that he was rude. There was only one bed in the room, Su Wen slept, where did he sleep? Presumably that's why Su Wen didn't sleep. Chu Xiaoyun remembered that he saw two torn quilts in the original master's closet, he pointed to the bed

and said, "Go to sleep, there are still quilts in the closet, I'll sleep on these two closets."

Without any excuses, she immediately climbed into bed and shrank into the bed. But he didn't lie down to sleep immediately, but watched Chu Xiaoyun spread the quilt on the two big cabinets in the room, and then lay down as if he had a bed.

When he lay down, a pale pink surface appeared on his pale face.

Seeing that Su Wen had fallen asleep, Chu Xiaoyun picked up the oil lamp, dragged the small cabinet where the oil lamp was placed to the bed he made, and put the oil lamp on it. After lying down, take a deep breath and blow out the oil lamp.

This was his first sleep in ancient times when he traveled across time.

Chu Xiaoyun got up early the next morning and rolled up the quilt that he slept on last night. He originally wanted to put the quilt back in the closet, but he was afraid that the creaking of the old closet door would disturb Su Wen, so he just rolled it up and put it on the closet.

Start by lighting a fire for breakfast. In fact, there is nothing else to eat, except that there is still some white rice left in the rice jar. I can't bear the hunger just by cooking plain porridge. I remembered that when I was digging the soil last night, I saw a few self-growing cabbage growing in the corner of the wall. The cabbage was not big, and it could barely be eaten. Pull two of them, wash them, chop them up and cook them in the porridge. Put some oil and salt into them. It is better to make salty porridge with vegetable leaves than white rice porridge.

The porridge was only half cooked, and Su Wen also got up. Probably heard the movement, and found the kitchen all the way.

Seeing Su Wen, Chu Xiaoyun said, "Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

Su Wen shook his head, "I'm used to it." He said, picked up a rag, took a few sets of bowls and chopsticks, and walked out.

Chu Xiaoyun was puzzled and ignored him. Today he still has a lot of things to do. After breakfast, he has to go to the village market to buy some seeds and rice noodles, and he has to hurry up to dig out all the open spaces in the yard and sow seeds. Spring is a good time for all things to grow. The seeds are sown, and after ten days or so, the leafy vegetables will be ready to eat.

The dilapidated yard can't be managed for the time being, but it's too dirty to clean up. If he lives alone, he can make do with it, but now that Su Wen is here, he can't let a twin live in such an environment. Then I thought of Su Wen, he now has nothing but the clothes he wore when he jumped into the well. In the true sense there is nothing but people. Chu Xiaoyun felt that it was necessary to go to his uncle's house to get back Su Wen's clothes and other personal belongings. As much as you can get back, at least Su Wen can have clothes to wear. The original owner's clothes are suitable for me, but Su Wen's clothes are like those of an opera singer, they are too big.

Chu Xiaoyun planned to go to Su's house today to get Su Wen's personal belongings, then go shopping on the street, and return to plow the land to grow vegetables. I can probably do so many things in one day, and I have to wait until tomorrow to find work.

Should I bring Su Wen with me when I go to Su's house to get things? Thinking of Su Wen, Chu Xiaoyun raised his head and looked out the window, just in time to see Su Wen struggling to fetch water. Chu Xiaoyun made a handful of the porridge in the pot, and ran out to help Su Wen bring up the bucket.

I didn't notice it when I was using it yesterday, but today I saw Su Wen fetching water and Chu Xiaoyun realized that the shaft in the original owner's house was very simple, and there was no rim. If water is sprinkled next to the wellhead and the ground is wet and slippery, it is likely to fall into the well, which poses a serious safety hazard. It's okay for a tall and strong person like myself, but it's really dangerous for Su Wen with such a small body to fetch water.

Thinking about it, this place was originally just a place where the original owner's house piled up debris, and the well was originally only used for watering, and it was not easy to build at all. This well must be done as soon as possible. Now I have no money, but I can move a few big rocks to block the wellhead in case of accidents.

Chu Xiaoyun lifted the bucket, Su Wen said "thank you" in a low voice, poured half a basin of water into the small wooden basin by the well, and lowered his head to wash.

Seeing Su Wen busy washing up, Chu Xiaoyun went back to the kitchen. The porridge is almost done, put down the chopped cabbage and add more fire to eat. Chu Xiaoyun hurriedly put the previously washed cutting board on the edge of the pot, and put the pot containing the cabbage on the edge of the pot, holding the cabbage in one hand and cutting with the knife in the other.

After chopping the cabbage and putting it in, after mixing it a few times, Su Wen came into the kitchen carrying a small wooden basin. The dishes and chopsticks have been cleaned, and there is still half a basin of water in the small wooden basin. Su Wen put the small wooden basin on the washbasin stand, took out the bowls and chopsticks, and put them on the edge of the stove. Then pick up the rag and start wiping the kitchen furnishings. If the rag is dirty, continue washing in the small tub. After repeating it two or three times, I took the small wooden basin to the well to change the water.

Although Su Wen is small and weak, he is quick in his hands and feet when he does his work. After a while, I wiped the dining table and chairs in the kitchen, and put the remaining small items such as bowls, chopsticks, and pans together and put them into the wooden bucket next to them.

When the next pot of water came in, Chu Xiaoyun hurriedly said: "Don't be too busy, let's eat."

Su Wen looked at the table and stool that had just been wiped: "I'll wipe this table and stool again, wait

a moment." He quickly wiped the table again.

Chu Xiaoyun filled the porridge and put it on the tabletop that Su Wen had just wiped clean: "I only have this at home, so I'll just eat a little. I'll go to the street to buy some rice noodles later, and I'll have something to eat at noon." Rural

area Many people only eat two meals a day, once in the morning and evening. If you are really hungry at noon, you usually just eat a little leftover from the morning. Since his parents passed away, Su Wen never had lunch at his uncle's house, and he never thought that Chu Xiaoyun had lunch plans. A different feeling came to my heart.

Chu Xiaoyun asked while eating: "By the way, I want to go to Su's house to get your things back, do you want to go with me?"

Hearing the words Su's house, Su Wen didn't want to recall. He shook his head: "I don't have anything, just a few rags. But even if it's a few rags, they may not be willing to give it to me. I want to go to you, I don't want to go.

" With his attitude, Chu Xiaoyun could fully understand Su Wen's decision. He told Su Wen his plan for today and asked him to rest at home.

After eating, Chu Xiaoyun left the house with his only property in his pocket.

As soon as he reached the gate of the courtyard, he heard Su Wen shouting from behind: "Wait a minute."

Chu Xiaoyun turned his head in puzzlement. Su Wen caught up with a pannier and handed it to him: "Why did you pull down the pannier? Where can I put the things I bought?"

Chu Xiaoyun remembered that this is not the 21st century, and there is nothing to buy things. Merchants provide shopping bags, so you have to bring your own containers. He hurriedly took it over, and said with a smile, "Thanks to our Su Wen being careful, otherwise I would be miserable."

Su Wen bowed his head and smiled lightly.

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