Chapter 88

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   Time passed unsteadily, and in the blink of an eye, it had been more than a month since Chu Xiaoyun returned to the county office after taking a bath. During the time he came back, apart from clocking the clock on time and letting the office go, he also accompanied Su Wen to the Liu's Medical Center for consultation.

In the Liu's Medical Center, I met Wang Mentou's concubine again. The scenes of her going in and out brought back Su Wen's memories, thinking of the miserable Shuang'er he met when he first came. I don't know what's going on with him, I think he's about to give birth soon.

Chu Xiaoyun comforted him: "His husband is just going out to make a living, and he will return home when he gives birth." With

such comfort in his mouth, Chu Xiaoyun couldn't help but stare at the sedan chair of the Wang family's concubine and sigh in his heart: Same people have different fates.

Except for these trivial matters of life, it is the government affairs. However, since the case of Gu Qingyun last time, in the past few months, there have been no major cases in Hejing County, let alone homicide cases. Of course, sporadic cases of stealing, fighting, and neighborhood disputes are indispensable, but those trivial matters can be settled with a few police officers, which can be described as peaceful.

Of course, this has to get rid of the fact that Chu Xiaoyun Xiumu was assassinated again a few days after returning to Hejing County. Because Chu Xiaoyun's martial arts are not what they used to be, although the assassins who came to assassinate them still have no strength to keep them alive, but because Chu Xiaoyun only suffered a little flesh injury, this incident did not cause any serious consequences, and suffered a blow All of them are assassin organizations, and the county magistrate ordered not to spread it, so people, including Chu Xiaoyun, will automatically ignore it in their consciousness.

On the contrary, there are rumors that the head of the concierge, Wang's family, took advantage of the joy of having a baby to amass money, and there were even rumors that people were forced to sell their sons and daughters because of the money given to them, the husband and wife were at odds, and the people complained.

When this matter reached Chu Xiaoyun's ears, he was very puzzled. Does a concierge have such great ability? But remembering that the county magistrate said that he had a relationship with the minister of punishment, he was at a loss again.

There were also people who came to the county government to beat drums, and later reported false accusations, withdrew their complaints, and were fined twenty water and fire sticks by the county magistrate. So rumors have always existed in the form of rumors. In his spare time, there are occasional people in the arresting room discussing the authenticity of this incident.

"This story is well spread, is it true or not?" Chu Xiaoyun had been out patrolling the streets during this time, heard these rumors a lot, and couldn't help asking when he returned to the arresting room and heard the discussions.

Someone who joined the same batch as Chu Xiaoyun and the others said: "It should not be possible. It is said that someone in our arresting room sent more than 200 Wen and was returned. If he was collecting money, how could he return the money?" Chu

Xiao Yun always felt a little strange when he heard this.

Yu He looked at him winkingly: "Why does it feel like I learned from you."

Chu Xiaoyun remembered that when he got married, the gift money was only accepted within 200 cash, and if it exceeded, it would be refunded.

He looked at Yu He: "Isn't it?"

Yu He chuckled again: "But I heard from other people in the office that some people gave me some money and it was not returned. Is this Wang Mentou only right? The people in our arresting house don't accept more than 200 cash in gifts?"

The same batch of arresters exclaimed: "No way, there is such a thing? Could it be that Wang Mentou really took advantage of the joy of having a baby in his family to make money? Then why should Treat the people in our arresting room differently?"

Everyone looked at Chu Xiaoyun in unison.

"Actually, are the rumors true? It's not like his family has held wedding banquets before. Just ask the old people here and you'll know what happened before?" Yu He said with a smile, and turned to the old policeman in the room to ask, "Hey, when Wang Mentou's first wife gave birth to a child, how much money did the big guy give?"

The old policemen Yu He saw all dealt with it with a haha, saying something like "I have something to do", and something like "I don't remember for a long time". In a blink of an eye, there was no one in the arresting room hall.

Yu He looked at Chu Xiaoyun and spread his hands helplessly.

It should be obvious what the facts are. Based on this, Chu Xiaoyun reported to the county magistrate, and the question he got was: "Do you have any evidence?"

Chu Xiaoyun immediately died down.

The matter of Wang Mentou can no longer be discussed, and the days are even more leisurely. Everyone in the arresting room lamented how leisurely this period has been, and hoped that this day could continue like this.

Yu He nodded repeatedly and said: "God knows that we don't have any work now, so I can't bear to have any murders happen.


"Perhaps God forgot, didn't you remember this reminder?"

"What do you mean? Isn't God looking forward to you? Don't you still hate people being idle and killing people ?


Let's bicker in the capture room, you come and go, it's so lively. At this time, the sound of drumming came from outside the county office.

"Quick, get ready for promotion." Chu Xiaoyun got up and said to everyone in the hall.

After a while of fuss, everyone quickly arranged their clothes, those who needed to go to the court, and those who didn't need to go to the office to prepare for emergencies.

Tang retired not long after he was promoted, but things came.

The policeman who came down from the court came back and said to Yu He: "You are such a crow's mouth. You just said that there was no murder, and now you are here."

Chu Xiaoyun, who was sitting upright in the chair, was very surprised: "What's going on?"

The policeman who came back from the hall quickly replied, "Someone from Wang Mentou's concubine's house beat drums and complained, saying that his daughter died for no reason."

" What?" Everyone was shocked.

"The little concubine at the head of the Wang family died?" Chu Xiaoyun asked in surprise, "What did the Wang family say?" "The Wang family didn't show

up today, and my lord ordered me to go to the Wang family to investigate before making any calculations." The catcher said, "The county magistrate asked the catcher to go to his study to meet him." The catcher

frowned deeply after delivering the message: "But now the county government has no work, how can the autopsy be done?"

Chu Xiaoyun thought for a moment: "Yu He, you take someone to the Wang's house for an autopsy first, and I will go to the Wang's house to meet you after meeting the adults." Yu He was

very depressed: "Catcher, I'm a fast catcher, not a coordinator. Asking the case is my job, and the coordinator ..."

Chu Xiaoyun patted him on the shoulder: "I don't think you are worse than an ordinary gangster. Go ahead and be careful."

Yu He exclaimed: "Don't give me a high hat, I won't be responsible if you can't find out."

Chu Xiaoyun smiled slightly: "Then you can figure it out."

Yu He wailed, and helplessly said to the policeman beside him, "Help me borrow a toolbox from Wu Zuo."

After seeing Wei Jinghan, Chu Xiaoyun went straight Going to Wang's house, the concubine at the head of Wang's family has been restrained in the coffin at this time, white flags are hung high inside and outside the Wang's house, and the sound of mourning and music is very miserable. Chu Xiaoyun recalled that he came here to eat Tim Dingjiu a month ago, the place was full of fire, merchants, common people, and local officials were in constant communication. Comparing the two now, it seems like a world away.

Chu Xiaoyun went to the mourning hall and asked Yu He, "How is it?"

Yu He shook his head: "The Wang family said that Yi Ruzhen was emotionally unstable after giving birth, anxious and insomnia, often crying alone, and sometimes abused the baby. They often had to let the maid at home follow them every step of the way. I didn't expect a moment of negligence, and eventually something happened."

Said After Yu He remembered that he forgot to introduce: "Yi Ruzhen is the concubine of the Wang family." As soon as

Yu He opened his mouth, Chu Xiaoyun remembered a term in modern medicine, postpartum depression. The manifestations of this disease are exactly the same as what the Wang family said, irritable and restless after childbirth, emotional instability, and even suicide or even infanticide in severe cases. Could it be that the concubine of the Wang family committed suicide because of postpartum depression?

"How did you die?" Chu Xiaoyun asked.

"Yesterday, the servant girl asked someone to have breakfast, and when she opened the door, she saw Yi Ruzhen's body hanging on the beam." Yu He replied.

"Hanging himself?" Chu Xiaoyun said to himself and then asked, "Where's his husband? Didn't sleep with her?"

Chu Xiaoyun was puzzled.

After asking, I remembered that Wang Mentou was different from him. He is only Su Wen's daughter-in-law, and Wang Mentou has several wives and concubines in his family, so it will take turns to sleep in which room he sleeps in.

"No, Wang Fangtou said, because Yi Ruzhen didn't sleep well after giving birth, and was afraid of disturbing her rest, so they didn't sleep together after giving birth." Yu He said.

There is no way to verify these things in the boudoir, Chu Xiaoyun didn't get to the bottom of it, but continued to ask others: "Is there anything unusual about the corpse?" "It doesn't look

unusual at the moment, it was hanged while alive." Yu He said.

"Is there any trace of coercion?" Chu Xiaoyun asked again.

Yu He still shook his head.

Chu Xiaoyun recalled the previous summoning by the magistrate. The Daoyi family insisted that they had met many times after their daughter gave birth, and that there was no difference before and after their daughter gave birth, and that the Wang family only notified her natal family on the night of her daughter's death. I think there must be something strange about her daughter's death.

At the end, Wei Jinghan said: "Find out this case, and pull out the filth in Hejing County at once."

Wei Jinghan's plan is self-evident.

Chu Xiaoyun also felt that Wang Mentou's wedding ceremony was too ostentatious, and the people complained a lot. Even if the rumors were not completely true, they would not be groundless. He reported to the county magistrate before, but the magistrate didn't take it seriously, and blocked it with the sentence "Do you have evidence?" Today's attitude has changed qualitatively, and he is asked to use this case to verify the corruption in Hejing county officials.

Chu Xiaoyun was puzzled by the change in the attitude of the county magistrate. It is true that he was emotionally inclined towards the county magistrate, but he did not want to spend too much time in the muddy waters of official battles, so he was more cautious, and did not want to appear as a result of emotional deviations. Deviations in case investigation. Although the current life is not rich, he has no worries about food and clothing. He is very satisfied with the small life now, and he hopes that he and Su Wen can live in peace and stability like this, without getting involved in those unknown right and wrong.

In modern society, he is just an ordinary criminal police captain, and he doesn't want to make any great achievements after time travel, as long as he is worthy of his job.

Chu Xiaoyun remembered what the county magistrate said a few months ago that the state of the whole world is alive. However, through the past few months of understanding, he found that the state of the world is quite a bit like the turmoil in the past costume dramas and TV shows, and the Dacheng Dynasty seems to be not as stable as he thought before.

He didn't know how far these storms were from him, but he vaguely felt that Wei Jinghan was not far away from them. Wei Jinghan is a person of this era, so maybe he came to Hejing County with preparations. And I just want to protect the law and order of one side and support the family, that's all.

So this investigation, we must be cautious and careful. Chu Xiaoyun reminded himself. He thought for a while: "Bring Wang Yi's body back to the county government autopsy room to refrigerate for future investigation."

Yu He looked at him in surprise: "The arrester suspects there is something wrong with it?"

Chu Xiaoyun said: "What we have There are too few cases, and personnel from both sides have not asked one by one. The weather is hot now, in order to prevent the corpse from being corrupted or destroyed, it is better to take it back to the county government." Yu He nodded: "I will talk to the Wang family

Travel to ancient times to be a fast catcherHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin