Chapter 182

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    Zheng Xing didn't expect to meet Chu Xiaoyun and Yu He on Taihe Street, so he could only say that he lived nearby in a hurry. Fortunately, I acted accordingly and found an excuse to send the person away. Originally, he wanted to get some rhetoric from Chu Xiaoyun, what kind of urgent matter would cause Wei Jinghan to send them back to the Yamen on such an important occasion for the Gu family. But Chu Xiaoyun brought the topic to him. In order not to expose himself, he had no choice but to give up this investigation, send people away, and not focus on himself.

Zheng Xing is a very cautious person. He knows that Chu Xiaoyun is very observant. Just in case, after returning home, he did not write a secret letter to report immediately. Instead, he went to the second floor of the small courtyard and pushed away Through the window, observe the whereabouts of Chu Xiaoyun and Yu He from the gap. It wasn't until they saw that they had indeed climbed over the wall and went to the Yujia Alley leading to the county government office, did they close the window with confidence, took out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and began to write the secret letter.

At that time, he thought back: Chu Xiaoyun is nothing more than that.

"Gu Qingyun returned to Gu's family. The horse to welcome his relatives is a breed that is not easy for me in Hu country. Dacheng has a horse farm in a place controlled by my royal court. Please check quickly. In addition, Gu Qingyun remarried Zhou Ying and became the head of the family." Write the

secret Letter, Zheng Xing opened the door of the next room, took down a birdcage, and tied the written secret letter to the leg of the carrier pigeon that was taken out. Then he opened the window and looked around vigilantly to make sure that no one was paying attention before releasing the pigeon.

Unexpectedly, the carrier pigeon was shot down as soon as it came out.

"Who?" Zheng Xing felt that something was wrong. Years of training allowed him to react immediately, and he was about to run away without caring about packing anything.

Someone had shot pigeons down the window, and it must have been unsafe there. What Zheng Xing ran to was the gate.

Chu Xiaoyun pushed the door open and blocked Zheng Xing's retreat: "Brother Zheng, I never thought you would raise such a smart little guy."

Zheng Xing didn't expect Chu Xiaoyun to go and come back, he was shocked and asked in surprise: "Aren't you and Yu He already gone?"

Chu Xiaoyun smiled lightly: "How can we know that Brother Zheng didn't do it for you when you're gone ?" Knowing the other side, knowing such important information."

After finishing speaking, he took the secret letter from Yu He who came in later, and waved it in front of Zheng Xing's eyes: "Brother Zheng is worthy of being a spy of Hu State, this observation is really sharp enough .I just watched the excitement today, and I didn't see anything wrong with the horse Gu Qingyun was riding. Gu Qingyun is still careless." "

Why do you doubt me?" Zheng Xing was unwilling.

"When Qian Zhu was killed, there was such a lively discussion in the yamen. Brother Zheng and I also mentioned the case. At that time, Brother Zheng was very ignorant. But Brother Zheng actually lived so close, so he shouldn't say that he has nothing. Heard." Chu Xiaoyun answered every question.

"I was careless." Zheng Xing sighed.

After finishing speaking, he pretended to attack Chu Xiaoyun, turned around and ran towards the window, but Chu Xiaoyun failed to stop him before he flew out of the window. But the moment Zheng Xing flew out of the window, he was covered by an iron net that fell from the sky.

Zheng Xing, who was bound in the prison net, cursed: "Chu Xiaoyun, don't be too complacent. We have been operating in Dacheng for many years. The second prince is very resourceful, and now he has returned to Hu country. Let's see what you can do! That green-haired turtle Gu Qingyun , One day you will die! And you, where did you jump out? It's all my fault, I couldn't kill you, and I couldn't poison you, that's why I ended up today." Chu Xiaoyun was about to

reply When I went back, I didn't want Zheng Xing to tilt his head, and a stream of red and black blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. Chu Xiaoyun was startled, hurriedly took two steps forward, checked Zheng Xing's breath, and there was no sound.

Yu He and the arresting officers looked at each other in blank dismay.


"Just like that?"

"Then what should we do now?"

Although they have different positions, after working together for so many years, Chu Xiaoyun looked at Zheng Xing's corpse with mixed emotions in his heart. After staring at it for a while, he said in a deep voice: "Take it away, let the mortuary clean up." Then he arranged for

the guards who came after hearing the news: "Evacuate the people who are watching, and warn that if you find anyone acting suspicious, you must report to the government. "

After Chu Xiaoyun finished speaking, he explained to Wang Sanqiang, the foreman of the arrest house on duty today, to check Zheng Xing's residence, not to miss any details. After arranging all this, he went back to the county office alone.

He also has to go to reply to the letter from the capital for Wei Jinghan.

Yu He stayed at the scene to contain Zheng Xing's body.

Two flowers bloom to represent another branch, and why Zheng Xing didn't find out that Chu Xiaoyun had gone and returned.

Beforehand, the two separated from Zheng Xing on Taihe Street. Chu Xiaoyun thought that Zheng Xingneng had been lurking in the Hejing County Yamen for so many years and worked diligently. He was not an ordinary person. So he didn't turn back directly to find Zheng Xing, but first climbed over the wall with Yu He and entered Yu's Alley, and then returned to Taihe Street through the common people's house, and found out Zheng Xing's residence along the way.

As a member of the yamen, Zheng Xing must have been deeply impressed by the people around him. Chu Xiaoyun asked about it as soon as he inquired about it. Then he found Zheng Xing's house, held his breath, used lightness kung fu, flew to the roof beam of Zheng Xing's house, untied a piece of rubble, and observed Zheng Xing's every move.

Although it was already confirmed, Chu Xiaoyun didn't really accept that Zheng Xing was the secret agent of the Hu people lurking in the county government until he saw Zheng Xing's writing and revealing the great secret to the Hu people.

After Yu He separated from Chu Xiaoyun, he immediately rushed to the nearest turret and asked them to send a letter to the nearest police officer to reinforce Taihe Street. Then, following the mark left by Chu Xiaoyun, he squatted outside the window. After Chu Xiaoyun shot down Zheng Xing's flying pigeon, he picked it up and arranged for the patrolling police who arrived later to set a net outside the window of Zheng Xing's house.

Things went smoothly as predicted, the only surprise was that Zheng Xing didn't expect to commit suicide, or that he didn't stop Zheng Xing from committing suicide.

Zheng Xing committed suicide, and some issues cannot be publicly acknowledged by him, so they can only become unsolved cases. But from the previous conversations, Chu Xiaoyun also probably knew that two of the several assassinations he encountered came from Zheng Xing, and one of them was poisoned by a teapot, which almost killed Wei Jinghan. And the death of Wen Tao should also be written by Zheng Xing. Chu Xiaoyun still remembers chasing after Yi Ruzhen's mother's house that day, and found that Wen Tao was seriously injured, and only knew from what he said intermittently before he died that it was the work of an internal thief.

On weekdays, colleagues and friends who are considered brothers, but unexpectedly they are barbarian spies who want to kill you all the time, Chu Xiaoyun didn't know how to feel for a while.

When Wei Jinghan came back from Gu's house and learned about this, he also sighed. After that, he sent people to Gu's mansion to inform the Hu people about the horses. Only then did Gu Qingyun realize that he was sloppy, and even though he had a lot of reluctance to give up, he sent the horse he loved so much to Dacheng's training ground.

Gu Qingyun has a horse farm in the Hu country, and Dacheng has a source of war horses. The secret of training cavalry is temporarily preserved.

After Wei Jinghan's secret letter reached the emperor, the emperor adopted his opinion, and Xuan Zhuangdi only brought his personal attendants into the city. Zhuang Di knew that this was the emperor's test of King Yan's desire for peace, so he agreed. King Yan's power has come to this point, such a compromise is inevitable, in order for more relatives to survive, they must compromise with the emperor.

Ever since Chu Xiaoyun broke the wife-taking case, saw through his identity, and released the fake Gu Qingyun, the dealer's power in Qingzhou was almost pulled out by the emperor, and King Yan lost all his control over Qingzhou. Take control. Among them, the biggest loss is the pig iron resources in Gyeongju.

The loss of pig iron resources means that there is a problem with the supply of weapons, and it is self-evident that the attack on King Yan who wants to support his own self-respect and seek great power is self-evident.

In addition, the possibility of winning over the Gu family was lost. In the confrontation between King Yan and the emperor, his decline gradually became evident.

In order to restore the decline, they did not expose the truth about the fake Gu Qingyun, and dreamed of relying on the fake Gu Qingyun to procrastinate for a while, looking for new opportunities and resources to restore King Yan's power.

However, Liangzhou in Bianfu was attacked by Zuo Yu's army, which had renewed weapons, and Dacheng's defenders suffered a disastrous defeat. Not only was Dacheng shocked by the ruling and opposition parties, but it also caused considerable turmoil in the Yanwang party. Because Ding Chengxian, the guard of Liangzhou, was originally a faction of the King of Yan, he had a very high reputation among the forces of the King of Yan. Ding Chengxian died in a surprise attack by the Hu people this time, and his old ministry left in the fiefdom of the King of Yan vowed to be irreconcilable with the Hu people, and he came up with a unified idea of ​​foreign affairs.

After Zhuang Di fled Hejing County in embarrassment, King Yan knew that the situation was over; now that Liangzhou City was broken, Ding Chengxian died in battle, and the army's morale was in turmoil, so he discussed with Zhuang Di and came up with an idea. Zhuang Di proposed to seek peace, King Yan agreed, and Zhuang Di led his army north to show his loyalty to the emperor.

After Zhuang Di entered the palace, some royalist ministers shouted that Zhuang Di should be brought to justice, while others ridiculed him. The emperor watched it for a while and then said: "General Zhuang sent me greetings on behalf of the emperor's uncle. How can I not appreciate it."

Hearing that the royalists also knew the emperor's intentions, they had to find another way to make things difficult. When the royalist ministers asked Zhuang Di about his sincerity in seeking peace, Zhuang Di got up and asked the emperor to fight: "Zhuang Di is not talented, and he is willing to fight for the country."

Zhuang Di's request was exactly what the emperor thought. Suppressing the joy in his heart, the emperor agreed to Zhuang Di's peace request, and at the same time promised to pardon King Yan's party.

Soon the barbarians invaded the country, and Zhuang Di led his troops out to fight.

The Hu people are fighting because of the time difference. They have long had the intention of war and have been preparing for war. This time, the Hu people got the supplementary wind of pig iron and updated weapons, so they naturally wanted to seize the opportunity. In addition, the successful sneak attack in Liangzhou had greatly boosted the morale of the Hu people. At this time, there will be another autumn harvest, which is a good time for them to start a war.

Zhuang Di led his army to fight against the elite Yousian Wang tribe who belonged to the great prince of the Hu people in Qilian Mountains.

After the death of the eldest prince, the right sickle king knew that his support had fallen. For the survival of his own clan and the future of the tribe, he can only follow orders to take the lead.

The two sides launched a protracted tug of war in the Qilian Valley, and both sides suffered heavy losses.

During the intermission of the war, Zhuang Di occasionally thought about the situation of himself and King Yousian, they were really the same people who had fallen in the end of the world. If it weren't for the different positions, maybe we could find a tavern to drink three whites, and temporarily rely on a glass of wine to improve our spirits.

When Zhuang Di's thoughts were reined in, the soldiers sent letters from Hu people's generals. Zhuang Di opened the letter and found that the person who wrote the letter turned out to be the second prince of the Hu people.

"The cunning rabbit is a dead dog, but it's just a pawn, how about telling it?"

The adjutant at the side saw it and scolded sharply: "A barbarian, the general should ignore him!"

Zhuang Di smiled slightly, burned the letter, and said to the adjutant: "Don't worry, this general won't be tempted by the alienation of the barbarian, but I still want to see him." "

Why?" The adjutant was puzzled.

"Something, I want to ask him." Zhuang Di said.

He and this second prince of the Hu Kingdom can be regarded as having a "very close friendship". Before that, I had plotted against him, but now I can be regarded as being tricked by him. But he also wanted to know whether the second prince really knew nothing when he plotted against him. If... If the other party also knew, would he feel less guilty towards Qingyun?

Zhuang Di felt that his idea was ridiculous, but he couldn't help but expect it.

The next day, Zhuang Di packed up and led the team to go. The armies of the two countries met across the mountain stream. Seeing Zhuang Di leading the troops, the second prince of Hu State smiled and said: "General Zhuang, you are too insincere. How can others listen to the secret between us.

" What secrets can there be, you have brought people with you. You and I talk, and all my subordinates can listen."

The second prince said: "General Zhuang should be a sensible person. Now that your emperor is powerful and King Yan is in decline, even if King Yan really wants to seek peace, do you think the emperor will really believe you? The so-called side of the couch is not allowed to snore. If you If Emperor Dacheng had really believed in you, General Zhuang would not have appeared here." "

If I'm not wrong, all your subordinates are the former subordinates of King Yan. Even the people below don't know what the emperor is planning. As the leader of an army, don't you still understand? You are a scapegoat if you stay in Dacheng. But this king values ​​the general's talent. If the general joins me in Hu State, the previous grievances between you and me will be wiped out. You help me unify the world. After Wang Wang Ting ascends the throne, he will definitely make you the side-by-side king, and you will have endless glory and wealth."

Zhuang Di smiled lightly and said, "The second prince is magnanimous, but Zhuang has little talent and learning. As for other matters, it is a matter of great success for me, and it is not the second prince's turn to worry about it." The second prince

suddenly changed his expression: "Since you are obsessed with your obsession, why did you come to see me today?"

Zhuang Di looked at the second prince for a while. Fan: "Zhuang came here just to confirm a few things, and I hope the second prince can enlighten me." The second prince

looked at him coldly: "This king doesn't want to talk to you. But if you are defeated like this, this king will pity you."

Zhuang Di looked at the second prince who was much taller than Gu Qingyun: "The second prince has practiced the bone shrinking skill?" The

second prince smiled slightly: "Isn't it obvious."

Zhuang Di nodded: "Look at the second prince. The prince looks so high-spirited, I think the eldest prince has already been taken down by you."

The second prince laughed again: "In this world, the strong is the king."

Zhuang Di said again: "I plotted against you back then, you know?"

The second prince's laughter gradually turned cold: "Don't you also know that I am not the real person? I just used your hands to get rid of that suspicious woman." After that, the

second prince sneered and said, "It's a pity, I thought it was what you wanted wholeheartedly. It's just that Gu Qingyun's beautiful wife, I didn't expect you to see through my identity and want my life. Of course, I didn't expect you to take her wife forcibly and go to save that surnamed Gu. This is my fault. Miscalculation. It's really hard to guess what you adults are thinking."

After speaking, he changed into a gentle expression and said, "Look, you treat me like this, and I still want to recruit you. Don't think about it anymore?"

Zhuang Di smiled slightly: "Thank you, Second Prince, for your answer. No matter what your purpose was, you have allowed me to fulfill my wish for several years. Let's fight again in another day." A few days later, the two sides fought decisively

. Zhuang Di led his troops to fight.

The soldiers of Dacheng fought desperately to keep the Hu people outside the border. The battle was brutal and the casualties were heavy. Zhuang Di's troops were few and Zhuang Di took the lead.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution during 2021-09-08 17:17:08~2021-09-22 16:17:49~ Thanks for the

irrigation nutrient solution Little Angel: 1 bottle of 1046;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard

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