Navy Determination, and the New Era

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12th November 1926

Three years after the Great Kanto Earthquake, Japan almost standing at the edge of collapse. Some main cities burnt to ruins, plains with nothing left, now cities had been rebuilt with modern networks of roads, trains, and public services. Parks were specially placed all over Tokyo as refuge spots, and public buildings were constructed with stricter standards than private buildings. Economy still struggled to keep up but at least the Japanese people had to live through the challenging time.

The Tatebayashi Family moved into Yokohama after the city was fully redesigned and renovated, this could let Sakurako felt much closer to his father who was still in Yokosuka. Mizuha was fully recovered and living along with her daughter as Uzu continued to serve along the family. Sakurako had begun her middle school in the Yokohama International School built by group of foreign residences after the earthquake. 

In the new residence, Sakurako had been running through the corridors of the house while in her school uniform (andon bakama) with a big butterfly ribbon behind her long hair, she rushed into her mother's room who was already dressed in kimono but still putting makeups with Uzu's help.

"Mama! Hayaku! Papa will arrive soon to pick us up, and you are still putting makeups on your face, aren't you already that beautiful?"

Mizuha was putting lots of whiten powder on her face while Uzu helped to draw her eyebrows, heard from her daughter's words she replied in a strict tone.

"Sakurako, I told you need to wait and patience! Today is a big day as your father and us will meet some honourable guests during the ceremony, we need to keep ourselves the best of the best, and a family example for your father. So, get in my room, wait, and seiza!"

The impatient Sakurako grumbled as she entered her mother's room, sat in seiza, and wait until her mother finished with a perfecting touch on her lips. Mizuha turned away from her dressing table and sat in front of her daughter while signalled Uzu to leave them alone.

"Please wait outside Uzu, I have something to talk with Sakurako."

Uzu nodded and left the room as she closed the door behind, with Mizuha and her daughter alone in the room, she looked at Sakurako strictly which made her looked down to avoid her mother's eyesight, suspected another long lecture.

"Sigh... My child, I know you have been caring me so much but soon you will become a teenager and need to look after yourself. Your mother now only wants you to focus on your studies and find your own interests and talents for the future. You are the only child of this family so don't let us down, understood?"


Cupped her daughter's face with her hand, Mizuha knew Sakurako had grown up much prettier than ever since gave birth to her and a child who cared her family a lot. She stood up and headed to the door and opened it with Uzu followed behind.

"Well then, shall we go and meet father? Let's not let him wait."

In a moment of silence, Sakurako stood up and tidied herself in front of a full mirror in her mother's room and followed up. While walked pass the living room, she entered and took a flower bouquet in her hand, then rushed to the main residence entrance and put her zoris on.

At the front gate, Jiro arrived just in time with a fellow college who will be driving them to Yokosuka. He praised her daughter once she stepped out from the gate.

"Oh, who is the pretty little princess here. You looked fabulous just like your mother."

Sakurako smiled as she hugged her father and looked at him while being patted on the head.

"Now let's not be late then, lead us the way Takano-kun."

"Hai, Taisa!"

With the whole family in the car, Jiro's college started the engine, and they were on the way to Yokosuka.

- - -

Once the family arrived near the naval district, groups of naval and other military officials were presented as Sakurako followed her parents closely, they found a perfect spot and stood at the front row within the audience. The ceremony was soon to begin as Sakurako noticed another massive steel structure surrounded by concrete was stood in front of the crowd, which was the well-known pre-dreadnought that brought the nation to glory, Mikasa herself.

Today was the open ceremony of the Mikasa opened to the public as a memorial warship, The ship was decommissioned on 23 September 1923 following the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922 and scheduled for destruction. However, at the request of the Japanese government, each of the signatory countries to the treaty agreed that Mikasa could be preserved as a memorial ship with her hull encased in concrete.

Before the ceremony, Sakurako was requested to represent her school by presenting the bouquet for two extreme important guests but without mentioning their names to her, soon she would have to find out by herself.

"Papa, are you sure you want me to do this? I am nervous..."

"Don't worry, just calm down, polite, and elegant."

The time had come, the crowd soon began to clap as two figures entered from the side and gave Sakurako a massive shock into her heart. The man who experienced the Boshin War, veteran of the Sino-Japanese and hero of the Russo-Japanese War, Commander-in-Chef while on board the Mikasa during the Battle of Tsushima, and with the nickname of "The Nelson of the East", Tōgō Heihachirō. Next to him was the Crown Prince Hirohito himself.

With a signal from her father, Sakurako gulped, she took a deep breath and approached them without being nervous. As she stopped in front of them, she bowed in the politest way as she first time face to face with a famous admiral and a member to imperial family.

"Kōshi Shinnō Denka, Gensui-kaigun-taishō kakka. Please accept this bouquet from the students and teachers at the Yokohama International School."

After she raised her head, she presented the flower to both as Tōgō happily received the bouquet from her by a military personal as bright flashes flashed from the photographers and stood for a small conversation along with the Crown Prince. Sakurako's parents and Uzu looked from a distance as they were proud of their little princess did her absolute best job.

The ceremony went on without any mistakes and Mikasa was officially opened to the public, on board the dreadnought, Sakurako was amazed by the structure and guns on it, with accompanied by Uzu, they walked around on the deck as her parents were having conversations with other military officials.

When night came with the sky covered in black, Sakurako slept with her head on her mother's lap through the journey way back home. While sleeping she mumbled something from her dream that so soft the other's couldn't hear from it.

"I want... to be a navy commander... just like Taishō Tōgō..."


25th December 1926

The whole nation in mourn, the great Taishō-tennō passed away from a heart attack. Crown Prince Hirohito succeeded the chrysanthemum throne as Shōwa-tennō, this event marks the end of the Taishō period and the beginning of the Shōwa period.

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