Quintus Cicero

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Veronica's point of view

  True to my word, I returned home to Santa Fe, New Mexico, but I was met with a different reality.

My aunt died a year ago. The only family member I was lucky enough to meet was my younger sister, Tessy. When I left the US, Tessy was still in high school, but now, she is living with the guy who knocked her up, and they've got two kids.

Who am I to judge? I didn't make the best choices either, but I wouldn't trade Bella for any time machine in the world.

Tessy gave us a place to stay for a couple of days, then I rented a place with the money I had saved up over the years. I always like to be prepared. Being married to Geraldo Russo would change any woman.

I know I should feel bad for ignoring Patrizio but I don't know what to think anymore. I'm scared that he and his parents are gonna snatch my baby off my hands. I'm scared that he isn't the dream he seemed to be at first. To make matters worse, he is busy hooking up with some chick named Felicia in Italy! No. I don't want him involved in our lives, I'm sick and tired of men treating me like property.

"Miss Veronica Hayes".  The secretary dressed in black called from the door.

"That's me". I got up and walked straight to her. Did I mention that I switched back to my maiden name? Well, I did.

She plastered a fake smile on her caked face. "Follow me".

She led me down a busy hallway until she finally stopped in front of a door with the name 'Jason Ackerman' written in golden yellow. She opened the door for me to enter. Before I could get myself completely into the office, she shut the door against my ass.

I ignored the mild pain in my ass and focused on the man sitting at the desk in front of me. Beside him was another younger guy. They were both blond and shared similar sharp features, not excluding the blue eyes.

"Good morning, Mr. Ackerman"

"Good morning, Miss Hayes, my name is Jason Ackerman and this is my younger brother, Tyler. Please sit". I sat in the chair across from his desk and handed him my credentials. "No need. I have read them. So, you worked in Spain".

"Yes Sir, I worked for Sumner and Sons in Madrid."

Tyler butted in. "So, I heard that Sumner was getting funny with his female employees, is that true?"

"I cannot speak about my former place of employment with you sir, I apologize."

Jason responded instead. "No, it's fine, honestly. Most people would've jumped in to talk trash about their former employer just to gain sympathy, but I respect your professionalism, Miss Veronica."

"Thank you, sir"

"Now I understand you were once married"

"Yes, widowed."

"So, now you're back on the market?"  Tyler butted in again. Honestly, I wish I could punch him in the face.

"I'm afraid that's a personal matter, Sir" I answered.

Jason hushed him and continued with me. "You're right. Welcome to Jatyacks International. My assistant, Linda will take you to HR so you can discuss your pay". He shook my hand.
Shortly after, a young pretty lady came in and directed me to another department. At the end of everything, I rushed out to go pick up Bella from school.

"Damn! Twenty Miss calls?". I cursed under my breath as I checked my phone. I was too busy ith the job interview that I had put my phone on silent. Some of the calls were from Tessy, the others were from the school. I dialed Tessy's number.

"Tessy, I just saw your call-"

"Come to the hospital, now, Veronica". She sounded to be on the verge of crying.

"Why? What happened?"

"Bella collapsed in school and they called me at work. Just come now please". She sniffled.

"Okay, I'll be there". I hailed a taxi and rushed to the general hospital.

"Veronica!" Tessy embraced me when I arrived at the children's wing in the hospital.

"Tessy, what the hell is going on? Where's my daughter?"

"She's still with the doctor. The kids say she was playing with them when suddenly she fell."

"Oh God, Oh God please-". I slumped unto the bench with my hand on my chest. Almost blinding my eyes were tears that I didn't realize I had been shedding up until I got there. "My baby"


After another thirty minutes, the doctor came out of the room. Tessy and I ran to meet him, asking the most obvious questions.

"Please calm down, Mrs. Russo, your daughter is going to be okay."

"What happened to her?" I asked.

"She has a hole in her heart and may require surgery to close it before it gets worse."

"Oh, God!" I covered my mouth with my hands to muffle my cry.

"Please calm down."

"Can we go see her now doc?" asked Tessy from beside me.

"Yes, you can" He smiled.

Tessy and I practically ran into the room they said Bella was in. My God! It broke my heart to see her connected to so many devices. When will the suffering end?

I cried watching her furrow her eyebrows over and over again, she must be having a nightmare or in pain, yet there was nothing I could do except watch.


Days went by slowly but surely, and the date for her surgery drew closer. But before that day arrived, I went to go see the doctor.

After asking him some questions about the surgery, I thought to address a most serious concern of mine.

"Please, just make sure you do everything possible to give my daughter a normal life, Doctor James. Don't worry, I have discussed payment plans with the hospital. I don't have insurance at the moment but-"

He raised his hand slightly. "There wouldn't be a need for that, Mrs. Russo"

"Why, doc?"

"I received word that a man named Quintus Cicero paid for Bella's surgery and all her medical bills"

"Quintus Cicero? Who's that?"

He shook his head. "That, I'm afraid I don't know."

"Okay, Thank You."

When I stepped out of the hospital, my phone buzzed in my handbag. I dug it out to check. It seemed someone had sent me a text message.

The message read:

"I miss you baby

Love, Quintus."

Who the hell is this Quintus guy, and why does he miss me?

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