TWENTY SIX- you're my hero

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Screams reverberated round Lila's ears as soon as she stepped off of the Quinjet. They were all prepared for the attention that was about to be put on them- they were no longer in hiding. As soon as Steve left the Quinjet, all news anchors and cameras were on them.

Lila ran past the cameras, accidentally knocking a man over. She noticed multiple people crowding round one area- the hooded black cloaks. The ones the news reporters were talking about.

"They've got a fucking army of Anonymous's!" She shouted into her earpiece, running towards them. Hiding behind a wall, she cocked her gun and peeked around the corner. It was obvious she hadn't lost her spark for shooting, because every single bullet fired hit every hooded creature square in the chest. However, they did put up a bit of a fight, all coming for Lila.

"Lila!" She heard Bucky's voice shout as she was pinned to the ground. More gunshots echoed in her eardrums as the large pressure pinning her down released.

She breathed, reaching for his hand which pulled her up. "Thanks."

Lila ran in one direction and Bucky ran in another. She noticed a large pile of rubble and debris ahead of her, moving up and down. She tilted her head and sprinted to it, but as she got closer, the screams which once seemed far away now seemed closer than ever.

Childlike whimpers came from underneath the rubble. Lila's breath hitched in her throat.

"Hello?" She shouted, trying to move the rubble.

"H-hi..." a young voice replied, hoarse. "I'm stuck!"

"Wanda, could use some help down here." Lila whispered into her earpiece. "Hey little one! My name is Lila, what's your name?"

"Sophie," the girl spoke, whimpering.

Lila got closer to the debris. "Okay, Sophie, how old are you sweetie?"

"Seven! But my birthday is tomorrow!" She spoke excitedly, but soon after whimpered.

"Oh wow! Well, I promise we will get you out here as soon as possible." She looked up for any sight of Wanda, but nothing came. "I'm just waiting for some help, you keep talking to me, okay?"

"Okay!" Sophie squeaked.

"Try not to move, darling, okay? I'm staying right here with you." Lila spoke softly. She pressed her earpiece. "Wanda! I need you right now!"

"Who's Wanda?" The young girl spoke. "Is she the cool Avenger?"

Lila laughed. "Yes! She is going to come and help you get out with me!"

"Wait..." Sophie said, stopping.

"Sophie?" Lila panicked.

The girl chuckled quietly. "Are you an Avenger?"

Lila rolled her eyes, smiling, even though she couldn't see her. "Maybe."

"Lila!" A voice behind her called. She turned around to see Wanda sprinting towards her. "What's the problem?"

"Lift this rubble! Now!" Lila shouted.

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