#3 - Small~ (Yandere Underfell swap Napstablook)

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In this oneshot it's gonna say Napstaton. But this is Underfell swap, but Napstaton and Napstablook are the same people or ghost?

But other than that I give you,
Yandere Underfell swap Napstablook x Reader
(Y/n) = Your name
(F/c) = Favorite color

You felt eyes that watched your every step. Your every move. You hated it. All you wanted was to get the fuck out of the underground. All you had was a back pack to carry things in, and a box cutter as your weapon. It was still pretty neat though.

You were soon getting closer to the Queen, to escape this so call "hell". Temmie as your guide and to help you escape. You breathed in and out, then you let out a sigh before you continued walking feither. All the bandages you had on you, they felt like the were about to come off again.

Going somewhere that was not out in the open, you applied some new bandages, so that way the blood wouldn't keep dripping on the ground or on your clothes. As you were done applying the new bandages, you peaked out of your hiding spot to make sure the coast was clear.

Just then someone or something knocked you out from behind.

A few hours later.......

You woke up, your body felt in pain. But it was mostly your neck, it hurt so much like someone karate chopped it, and someone was making love bites on it? You then looked at your surroundings, and as you looked down you saw another pair of legs. You knew this by now you were on someone's lap.

The robot's right heel was a red color, while their left heel was a yellow color. You then notice a pair of arms was around your waist. Their right glove was a yellow color and their left glove was a red color.

Just then you felt someone put their head on your shoulder. Panicking you started to struggle, a lot.

"LET GO OF ME!" You yelled loudly, as you were hoping someone could hear you outside the room you were in.

"Woah! Woah! Calm down! Sweetheart! Here look at me..." You heard a robotic voice say, just before they turned you around.

You eyes widen out of shock, it was Napstaton. What did they want with you?! Why did they take you away!? Your mind was swirling with questions, just then you looked away from them. But however this made them angry.

"Don't you look away! I know you love me~." Napstaton said smiling showing their vampire like teeth.

You didn't know how to react, but all you wanted was to get back to the surface. Wait, you realized you didn't have your stuff..

Suddenly, you shoved Napstaton back and ran away from them. You opened the door and ran, as far as you can. Eventually, you found your stuff and then you continued running.

You were soon close enough to the CORE. Just then you looked around you surroundings, making sure Napstaton wasn't there. Surely, they wanted to take your soul.

At least that's what you thought. You could feel your (f/c) soul glowing. You felt determination running through you. But suddenly, as you took one step forward, your vision became dizzy. You felt nauseous.

Also your vision started to turn black, but when you collapsed to the floor. In the corner of your vision you saw them. But, before you passed out they said, "Sorry love, but I guess you made it harder than it has to be."

Then you passed out, you (f/c) heart shaped soul then stopped glowing.

Slowly you opened your eyes. Huh?

"How come I'm not dead" You questioned yourself, just then you noticed your heart shaped soul glow a bit giving you a sign you still had your soul, "Why- Why didn't they take my s-soul.."

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