Where she breaks up with you for the millionth time..

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gracie broke up with me today. it felt like hell. I came over to her house after she called me sounding like she had been torn to pieces. I knew it was coming, I felt it in my heart. when I arrived, I felt the tension in the room as i walked in. I felt the heaviest weight on my chest, and felt like I couldn't breathe. I was waiting for the words to come out her mouth. it was obvious she had been crying and thinking about this. I knew she wasn't going to talk first so I decided to step up and ask her what was going on. I held her and for a long time until I asked her again. She spoke up.

"Please don't let me go."

I nodded. A bit after that she pulled away and thanked me. I spoke up.

"Gracie we're literally dating you don't need to thank me."

She just stared at me and broke into tears. Seeing her like this broke me down and tore my heart into two.

"I know, I know honey, it'll be okay."

She looked at me and asked. "Am i really that predictable?"

I chuckled, and so did she with tears still flowing.

"Yeah gray u really are."

we both paused for a minute.

"You really know dont you?"

"Bitch i know you like the back of my hand because I love you and i always will, so yes gracie I know."

She took a second to breathe and replied.
"You don't know how sorry I am Y/n, I feel worthless.

Her words hit me like a brick.
"I know this is better for us, I cant just give up but I also know trying would hurt you."

Not a single syllable came out of her as she waited on me to continue.

"Gracie, please for my sake, don't talk about yourself like that."

She replied and asked me what I meant.

"Gray you're not worthless, if anything your farther from that like as far away as the sun is from us. i wont sit here and let you talk like that about yourself. if you think you're worthless at this moment it's completely normal but I need you to know not just know but you need to literally feel it in your bones that you've given me so much more than what I deserved and so much worth in my life. gray you mean everything to me and when I say that I mean everything. you are the sun and the stars combined for me you are literally everything I ever could've asked for. a literal angel sent to me who has done everything perfectly."

Gracie just looked at me and sobbed while i held her.

"Promise me we'll never lose contact."

I stared into her eyes, and held out my pinky. almost a reflex she held out hers and interlinked it with mine and smiled. I looked at her, deeply admiring every feature she had and spoke up.

"There's that smile I missed."

I went quiet for a second and held her cheek.

"Also I swear if I ever see you close that gap between your teeth I will not hesitate to kill you."

She chuckled and sniffled from her stuffy nose. she looked at me and replied.

"We're literally breaking up and your talking about my teeth u whore."

I looked at her with a pretend shocked face.


I smacked her arm. she looked at me with a wide grin.

I smiled and put our foreheads together.

"You know i'll always have you in my heart right?"

She nodded and stayed quiet.


I hummed as a response which gave her the go ahead to continue.

"I'm sorry for everything i've done."

I stayed quiet.

"I've hurt you so much and i hate myself for it."

I smacked her again and she apologized.

"You know what i mean."

Yeah gray of course I know what you mean, but i'm not holding anything against you, you know that. you should always know it because i know it all too well. I could never ever hate you."

She just looked at me and smiled.

"I love you Y/nn."

"I love you more gray."

"Now come on it's time for me to go before i drown myself in my own tears."

She held onto my arms and pulled me into the tightest hug i've ever had. she held my cheeks and looked into my eyes.

"One last time?"

I nodded and smiled sadly as tears began to fall. She kissed me and I kissed back holding her waist. We both put our foreheads together as I couldn't contain myself anymore. tears continued to fall as she held me.

"Bye bye sweet face."

I said as I looked at her face.

"Bye bye Y/nn."

I chuckled as I grabbed my bag and slowly head down the stairs. I left the door and went into my car as i felt the lump in my throat grow. I let it all out as I went on my way back home.

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