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Here we have the next exciting installment of this adorable story.
WHAT'S THIS TWO PARTS IN ONE DAY? Well I'm bored and hiding from my mom so HERE. HAVE A BUNCH OF FANFICTIONS.

He and Simon walked out of the living room and up the stairs with their charges in tow.


Jerome walked into Vikk and Lachlan's room where Josh already was. Josh had already managed to tuck Tobi into bead while holding a screaming Lachlan.

Lachlan's voice had become hoarse from his constant screams, "MINE MINE. WANT MINE NOOOOOWWWWW."

"Lachlan. I don't know what Mine is so would you please stop," Josh said very very tiredly.

"Josh. Can't you get him to stop?" Rob said as he walked in. "Preston can't go to sleep."

"I'm trying, but-"

Simon walked in pissed off "Josh, you've got to get him shut up. Harry's about to throw another tantrum."

"Alright. I'm trying, but I don't know what Mine is."

Over on the side off the room Jerome was quietly talking to Mitch and Vikk, "Mitch can you get off my head, I wanna to talk to Lachy."

"Wachy? I wuv Wachy," Vikk said.

"But, but," Mitch said looking sad.

"I know Baby Biggums, but could you please for Biggums?" Jerome pleaded with the toddler.

Mitch nodded. He didn't really mind being called Baby Biggums. Jerome took the boy off his head and set him on the floor. Mitch immediately toddled over to the window seat, and climbed up. He wanted to see if Vikk looked like a star since that's what Lachlan called him.

Jerome carried Vikk over to the bed where Lachlan was sobbing into the pillows and kicking his feet. Jerome knelt down next to Lachlan's head. He had a guess at what Mine was.

"Little Lachy. Is this Mine," Jerome said gestering at Vikk.

"MINE!!!!" "WACHY!!!!" both toddlers shrieked happily. The older boys turned to look at them.

"How the hell did you know THAT," Josh said.

"I dunno man. I just kinda guessed," Jerome said. "I guess it's kinda to be expected when two boyfriends get turned into babies?"

"Well alright then. I'm knackered. We can figure this out in the morning," Simon said as he walked out.

"Same," said Josh as he left.

Rob stay a minute, watching the two babies reunited.

Lachlan was making grabby hands and Vikk, who was struggling to get out of Jerome's hold. Jerome managed to safely set Vikk on the bed. Lachlan instantly grabbed him and cuddled Vikk up like a teddy bear.

Vikk reached up to pat Lachlan on the head, "I misseded you Wachy."

Lachlan just snuggled into Vikk's hair. He was sing-songing "Mine," over and over.

"Ok so now we know what Mine is," Rob said smiling.

"I know. I'm glad I figured it out," Jerome said.

"So am I. I don't know how much more screaming I could take," Rob said running his hands threw his hair. "What are we gonna do, Jerome?"

"I have no idea what is even going on," Jerome said.

Just them a clunk followed by sobbing was heard. Jerome spun around to see the Vikklan babies asleep and Mitch on the floor, holding his head and crying rather hard.

"Biggums," he sobbed.

"Ohhh Mitch buddy. What happened?"

Mitch didn't answer instead he held out his arms to be picked up. Jerome scooped up the crying Mitch and held him. "Baby Biggums what happens."

"Wanted to give you and Robby and hug cause you sad but I fall off and it's hurts," Mitch said in between sobs.

"Awww. Poor Mitchy," Rob said, just as he heard Preston call for him. "Shoot I gotta go. Preston didn't like the dark before and I thinks as a kid his officially scared."

"No worries. I got this," Jerome said.

Mitch was still crying softly into Jerome's shoulder as Jerome turned of the lights and turned on the night light in the Vikklan room.


I hope y'all liked this chapter. It's super cute and now we know who Mine is. Poor Lachlan. They should have figured it before. But anyways. Tell me what y'all are thinking and if you have any ideas message me or put them in in the comments.


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