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"The tricky part is if you do decide to come stay with us, we would have to initiate you into either the cartel or the gang" Demarco says and I look over to Ajit for confirmation and he nods.

Me? Joining a gang or the cartel? I think the fuck not and who the hell is this other person he is referring to. 

This shit just took a weird ass turn and here I thought I would only find out the reason behind my father's death but it seems I've opened a door that should've stayed shut.

"There's no pressure take your time to thing about it. We're leaving at the end of the week so you'll have until then to decide" Ajit says and I look between him and my brother.

"Was that the reason why mom left you?" I asked and he frowns slightly before replacing it with a small smile.

"It was, she didn't want to be associated with that life and always having to watch her back fearing someone will come after her to get to me" he explains and that sounds reasonable but why let my brother stay?

"If thats the case why did she leave Demarco with you?" I asked and they both look at each other almost like they were hiding something.

"In this life to expand territory the first born of the family is married off to another powerful family and they become one..." he starts.

"Suh she ran so you wouldn't marry me off to some old drug lord?" I finished and he sighs but nods.

"It's tradition where I come from but what your mother didn't let me explain was you were never gonna be in that position. My parents were all about that tradition but I never was and thats how I ended up with your mother, I chose love over family but look where that got me" he said chuckling slightly at the memory.

"And how are you so sure them nah go still wah that now that yuh know I'm your daughter?"

"Cause they're dead" he reveals and my eyes widen.

"I would do anything to protect my children so when I found out there was a possibility you could actually being mine I got rid of them to ensure your safety but it was all for nothing given that your mother pleaded you weren't mine" he adds.

"Does my mother know about that?" I asked and he shook his head, "Nope, she had already made up her mind to leave and I guess telling me you weren't mine was her way out".

"I appreciate you telling me all this" I tell him and he smiles but I could still see the pain behind his eyes.

"And I'll let you know what I decide soon" I tell him getting up from my seat.

"Hopefully you decide to come stay with us, I would really like to get to know my daughter" he says and I smile but said nothing.

Closing the door behind me, Azim was leaning against the wall across from the room on his phone, looking up he immediately puts it away coming closer to me.

𝓐𝓰𝓮 𝓐𝓹𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓽𝓮|✓Where stories live. Discover now